Control Group是指实验中不接受任何处理或干预的组别,而Treatment Group则是接受了特定处理或干预的组别。这两种组别的比较可以帮助研究者确定特定处理或干预的效果,从而得出科学结论。 在实验研究中,Control Group通常被用作对比组别,以便研究者能够确定Treatment Group的效果是否真正有效。Control Group的目的是提供一种...
control group译为对照组,treatment group译为实验组。对照组是指实验对象中一个被随机选择的子集,其中的个体没有特殊待遇。实验组是指随机选择的实验对象的子集,实验组中的个体要接受对照组所没有的某种特殊待遇。几乎所有设计较好的实验都有一个对照组和一个或多个实验组。
Between (one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s post hoc test,p < 0,05), and within group (paired t-test, p < 0.05) comparisons were carried out using 0% morph and BM index data in separate computations (group comparisons with repeated measure ANOVA were not applicable, as all the controls...
Figure 2. Model-Adjusted Estimated In-Hospital Mortality, by Treatment Group View LargeDownload Graph is based on a Cox proportional hazards model. Sample sizes provided reflect the source data observed, which informed the creation of the model. Compared with the neither-drug group, none of the ...
Group B Streptococcus, also known as Streptococcus agalactiae, was once considered a pathogen of only domestic animals, causing mastitis in cows. S agalactiae is now best known as a cause of postpartum infection and as the most common cause of neonatal s
(n = 26) women were diagnosed with HIV by the study, and although we obtained data after a year of diagnosis, including this recently diagnosed group could have led to conservative estimates of 12-month retention following ART initiation and viral suppression during this period. Viral suppression...
The proportion of patients treated with anti-HER2 therapy was slightly more pronounced within the chemotherapy group and was significantly greater than those who received anti-HER2 plus hormonal therapy (48% vs. 39%, p < 0.001). These results are concerning, given the extent of evidence in...
The study design is furthermore extended by a natural course control group in order to be able to compare the effects of the placebo interventions to natural changes in the disorder. Specifically, this study aims to examine (1) whether expectations for (placebo) treatments for depression can be...
Adult treated mice (5–6 months) that had undergone behavioral testing were perfused with fixative and gadolinium contrast for MRI assessment of neuroanatomy as described by Cahillet al.39. Eight mice of each sex were perfused and imaged for each treatment group. Mice were anesthetized with an ...