Acne (acne vulgaris) is the most common skin disease for people of all races and age in the UK. The condition affects the skin oil glands and often results in painful, and sometimes unsightly, lesions and scars. Through our private and confidential free consultation service, you can now buy...
Swift is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licenced for the general treatment of Verruca and skin lesions in Podiatry and Dermatology. Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue. Microwaves have be...
Note: The wart creams that you can buy over the counter in pharmacies are designed to deal with warts on your hands or verrucas on your feet. They’re not suitable for treating genital warts. If topical treatments are not suitable or have not worked, there are other types of treatment ava...
Thousands of people all over the UK (and the world) have had their verrucas treated and cured with Swift. But it’s the people who have suffered for decades that have been cured in just a handful of treatment sessions that make this treatment so remarkable. ...
As Director of Education for the leading electrolysis brand for 16 years she is the most prolific trainer in Advanced Cosmetic Procedures and Skin Blemish Treatment in the UK and has trained Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses and many other Medical Practitioners and Therapists in this field. She pioneered ...
You can find out more about the symptoms and causes of verrucas in the Plantar Warts section.Other Causes Of Bump Under FootThere are a number of other things than can also result in a bump on the bottom of the foot including: Benign Soft Tissue Tumors: A bump on the bottom of the fo...