Therapeutic Community Treatment for Substance Abusers With Antisocial Personality Disorder. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment . 1999Messina N P;Wish E D;Nemes S.Therapeutic community treatment for substance abusers with antisocial personality disorder.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.1999.121-128...
The substance abuse treatment process may be thought of as a long continuum emcompassing a number of necessary activities. The list of activities usually includes: 1) intake and assessment; 2) treatment plans; 3) intervention and progress notes; 4) discharge; 5) aftercare and 6) followup. Of...
Most substance abusers believe they can stop using drugs on their own, but the majority who try do not succeed. Before treatment for the addictive behavior can be directly addressed, the substance abuse sufferer might need help in lessening physical withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs they hav...
Explore the possibilities for successfully treating incarcerated or community-based substance abusersSubstance Abuse Treatment with Correctional Clients: Practical Implications for Institutional and Community Settings provides key research findings and policy implications for treating alcohol- and drug-addicted corre...
The Use of Legal Coercion in the Treatment of Substance Abusers: An Overview and Critical Analysis of Thirty Years of ResearchThe Use of Legal Coercion in the Treatment of Substance Abusers: An Overview and Critical Analysis of Thirty Years of Researchlegal coercionsubstance...
Recently many holistic treatment processes have begun to be applied in the treatment of substance abusers. These alternatives to the more conventional verbal/medicinal methods include herbs, acupuncture, nutritional therapy, megavitamins, bodywork, yoga, biofeedback, and a variety of other innovative meth...
Treatment aims to restore people to fulfilling life in their families, workplaces, and communities to avoid substance abuse. According to studies that follow them for long periods, most people who enter and stay in treatment avoid using drugs, reduce their illegal behavior, and enhance their work...
Substance use can affect partners in innumerable ways. The emotional pain, turmoil, stress, and strain alone leave family members searching for ways to help, or simply to cope. Enabling is one such method. A common coping mechanism in families struggling with substance use, enabling involves acti...
The present study examined whether there were program differences with respect to post-release outcomes in 20 federal in-prison substance abuse programs which used a cognitive-behavioral treatment approach. Recidivism and post-release drug use were examined for a sample of 1,343 individuals—1,065 ...
[12]. Gaihre, Ananda, and Sasidharan Rajesh. “Effect of Add-on Yoga on Cognitive Functions among Substance Abusers in a Residential Therapeutic Center: Randomized Comparative Study.” Annals of Neurosciences, 2017. [13]. Ram P Agarwal et al.. "A Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study of ...