One in three adults will develop shingles in their lifetime. However, it is impossible to contract it unless the patient has had chickenpox. Individuals with the varicella-zoster virus may find that it stays dormant for years and it is prone to reactivation. It is most common in people over...
The majority of people who get shingles are over the age of 60; it infrequently occurs in younger people and children. Investigators estimate that about 1 million cases of shingles occur per year in the U.S. Risk factors for shingles are common, and the majority of people have at least on...
Shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV), also known as the chickenpox virus. After someone has chickenpox – like most children did prior to the chicken pox vaccine – the virus lies dormant in certain nerves for decades. When the virus reactivates without warning, shingles can occur...
Shingles are primarily seen in older adults and those with weakened immune systems caused by injury, certain medications, stress, or other issues. Most of those afflicted with shingles eventually get better and do not get it again. However, it is possible to get shingles more than once in you...
The chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) causes shingles (herpes zoster), a painful, blistering contagious rash. Get the facts on shingles treatment, symptoms, complications, the vaccine, and the contagious period of this viral infection.
A discolored mucous discharge is often seen in so-called "dirty eyes." Viral conjunctivitis causes slight redness of the eyes and a glassy appearance from tearing. Adenovirus is a major cause of viral conjunctivitis. Herpes viruses, such as the varicella virus that causes chickenpox or shingles,...
Herpes zoster (shingles) is a viral infection, caused by the Varicella zoster virus. It is commonly called shingles. According to a study, 90% of patients with Herpes zoster had chickenpox a few years back. Prevalence In children and young adults, the incidence rate is 2-4 per thousand. ...
Milia affecting older children and adults often last longer. Many people seek treatment of long-lasting milia for cosmetic reasons. Milia on eyelids and under eyes often are persistent. These should be removed by a dermatologist or anophthalmologistwho specializes in cosmetic eye surgery. ...
Anti-inflammatory medication– this can include medications like corticosteroids to help reduce the inflammation the rash can cause. Corticosteroids are also used to treat the shingle rash if it affects your face or eyes. In older adults that develop the shingles rash corticosteroids are usually not...
Can you get shingles after you get the vaccine? You can still get shingles after receiving Shingrix, but the chances are greatly reduced. The vaccine is 97% effective in preventing shingles in healthy adults ages 50-69. For older adults, it's 91% effective. If you do get shingles, the ...