Congenital esophageal atresia - Anastomotic stricture - Endoscopic treatmentOne patient with complete reobstruction following repair of congenital esophageal atresia and another with a severe esophageal stricture due to reflux esophagitis were treated successfully with endoscopic electroincision from both the ...
If esophagitis is caused by acid reflux it is treated with medications that block acid production, for example, heartburn drugs. Depending on the cause of the reflux, different types of medications may be prescribed. In some cases, a surgical procedure may be recommended to treat the problem. ...
The treatment for shingles includes antiviral medications likeacyclovir(Zovirax) along with pain control medication. The pain from the inflamed nerve can be quite severe. Some patients may developpostherpetic neuralgia, or chronic painfrom the inflamed nerve, which may persist long after the infection ...
As Pearson said, accurate and meaningful comparison of the results of the various procedures recommended for correcting severe peptic esophagitis is almost impossible. Indeed the same name is used for various lesions: Stricture: mild, moderate or severe, short or long, distal or proximal, easily ...
Omalizumab is a humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody recently approved for the treatment of severe allergic asthma. This drug inhibits allergic responses by binding to serum IgE, thus preventing their interactions with cellular IgE receptors. Omalizumab is also capable of downregulating the expression ...
casesofnecroticesophagitisoccurredatthenormaIsegmentsoftheesophagusandformedesophgeaIperforation.Of thesethreecases,oneformedesophago-broncheaIfistuIaandsurviveduptonowaftercreatingdrainagestomaofstom- ach.Twocasesoftheesophgus-mediastinumandesophgus-bronchiusfistuIadiedofsevereinfection.Conclusions SeverecompIications...
"As researchers and clinicians have gained knowledge about eosinophilic esophagitis in recent years, more cases of the disorder have been recognized and diagnosed in the U.S.," said Jessica Lee, M.D., director of the Division of Gastroenterology in the FDA's C...
Twenty-two patients with a history of between one and four (average of two) unsuccessful prior esophageal operations for neuromotor dysfunction were treated with esophageal resection and replacement. Eleven (50%) had recurred reflux esophagitis in association with various disorders of motility: esophage...
Severe esophagitis may lead to difficult or painful swallowing and malnutrition. Can esophagitis be prevented? Some types of esophagitis can be prevented. Esophagitis caused by GERD may be prevented by changes in lifestyle and diet. Proper oral hygiene can aid in the prevention of esophagitis caused...
Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol intake may decrease the risk of esophagitis. Other ways to decrease the risk include: eating a nutritious diet; getting adequate rest; practicing safer sex; getting proper treatment for GERD; always taking pills with adequate ...