Treatment can help your child with ADHD in school, social situations, and at home. The right plan may help lessen the symptoms of all three of the major components of ADHD: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These treatment options have been tested for safety, but no two children ar...
Our TMD Treatment can help you relieve tmj and headaches, neck pain, TMD dysfunction, myofascial pain and alignment of teeth, head and spine.
Ringing in your ears (tinnitus), which may get worse right before a vertigo episode and go away afterward. A feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear. Any of your symptoms may come and go, or get worse and then better. Meniere’s is a progressive disease, which means it tends to ...
Headaches (tension type) Pain in the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joints Pain in the occipital (back), temporal (side), frontal (front), or sub-orbital (below the eyes) Pain behind the eyes – dagger and ice pick feelings Multiple bites that feels uncomfortable or, “off,” and...
Persistent TMJ pain and headaches. The pain can be mild or severe and can start in the front of the head, along the sides, in the upper part of the neck, or it can radiate to all areas. Ear pain or stuffiness and ringing in the ears Facial pain or tightness Neck and shoulder pain...
Earaches and/or ringing in the ears Facial pain Headaches (including migraines) Discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and/or back Dizziness Sinus pressure Numbness in the upper extremitiesWhat Causes TMJ Disorder?TMJ disorder is most commonly caused by improper alignment of the jaw and/or bite—whet...
noise. But there are severaldifferent types of migraines, one of which is called vestibular migraine. Vestibular migraines are characterized primarily by vertigo (a sensation of spinning), unsteadiness or lack of balance, sensitivity to motion, and muffled hearing ortinnitus(ringing in the ears).1...
Tinnitus, often described as the persistent ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears, can be a relentless companion, affecting not only your hearing but your emotional and psychological well-being. The good news is that there are powerful tools in the form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)...
Tension or migraine headaches Unevenly worn teeth Shoulder and neck pain Ringing in the ears Jaw pain Clicking or popping when opening and closing the jaws Dr. Andrew Rudnick has special training in diagnosing and treating neuromuscular disorders. He has successfully treated not just the symptoms, ...
There is a feeling of fullness in the ears similar to that experienced in pressure changes. However, there is no relief obtained by swallowing. Photophobia Increased sensitivity to light in any form which aggravates the headaches and vertigo is a common symptom. ...