These can range from sun damaged or pigmented skin to general skin ageing and by choosing the correct treatment, it results in healthier clearer, firmer, smoother and more youthful-looking complexion. There are several routes to achieve maximum skin health and the choice of an appropriate product...
Table 4. Comparing Er, Cr:YSGG to Q-switched Nd : YAG 1064 nm laser and Q-switched Nd : YAG 532 nm laser in the treatment of hyperpigmented lips (comparison between different studies). Er,Cr:YSGGQ-switched Nd : YAG 1064-nmQ-switched Nd : YAG 532-nmp valu...
Allergic reactions. Stop using ONEXTON Gel, call your doctor and get help right away if you have any of the following symptoms: severe itching; swelling of your face, eyes, lips, tongue or throat; or trouble breathing. Common side effects with ONEXTON Gel include burning sensation, skin redne...
Malignant melanoma of the vermilion of the lip is a rare entity, and because of the common occurrence of other benign pigmented lesions, it is easily overlooked. Early diagnosis is of the utmost importance, in the first instance to minimise the risk of haematogenous, lymphatic, perineural and ...
Vitiligo is a skin disease that is recognized by spots and patches that are white in color. It is a skin disease, in which skin becomes de-pigmented due to regular deficiency of melanin or color pigmented cells. Melanin plays an essential part, as it gives color to the skin. Vitiligo is...
Laser treatment of pigmented and vascular lesions in the office. Facial Plast Surg. 2004;20(1):63-69. Hochman LG. Laser treatment of onychomycosis using a novel 0.65-millisecond pulsed Nd:YAG 1064-nm laser. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2011;13(1):2-5. Hohenleutner S, Badur-Ganter E, Land...
Some neoplasms that overproduce estrogens also possess aromatase overactivity. Sertoli Cell tumors in boys with Peutz-Jegher syndrome, an autosomal dominant disease characterized by pigmented macules on the lips, gastrointestinal polyposis and hormonally active tumors in males and females, for instance, ...
Summary The Q-switched ruby laser (QSR) with its wavelength of 694 nm and a pulse rate in the nanosecond range repre- sents an effective option for the treatment or removal of tattoos and pigmented lesions of the skin. Conceived to op- erate in accordance with the functional principle of ...
The scabs eventually fall off, leaving a red or hyperpigmented (darker) area that finally fades. The primary outbreak typically lasts 2-4 weeks. In women, the most common locations for genital herpes infection are the external genitalia, vagina, cervix, buttocks, and anus. In men, the most...
Freckles are usually found on the areas of the body that are often exposed to sunlight. Commonly seen on the face, neck, and arms, freckles can also appear in unusual places such as the pigmented area of the eye (known as eye freckles), the lips, or the skin of the penis. ...