It has a great impact on the number of surgical operations on the liver enhancement in the recent years, Authors analyzed the early results of surgical treatment of hepatic tumors performed in the Department of General and Vascular Surgery Silesian Medical Academy in the last 15 years. We ...
An interesting indication seems to be the treatment of breast liver metastases in selected patients.doi:10.1016/S0929-8266(01)00129-XTitoLivraghiElsevier Ireland LtdEuropean Journal of UltrasoundLivraghi, T (2001) Guidelines for treatment of liver cancer. Eur J Ultrasound 13: pp. 167-176...
Based on the above academic debate, we believe two technical approaches are effective for liver cancer intervention therapy: TACE, which locally and directly embolizes the blood supply-rich tumor with obvious advantages; and HAIC, which can act sustainably on scattered lesions, metastatic tumors, ...
There are many different types of therapy that are used for people with liver cancer. It is very important that the treatment is personalized for each individual since people and tumors may react differently. The main characteristics that help to decide which therapy is best and safest are the ...
You need radiation therapy in addition to surgery. CyberKnife treatment provides a quick course of radiation therapy to catch any cancer cells that surgery might have missed. You have liver lesions because another type of cancer has spread. If colon, pancreatic, or other types of cancer have spr...
AIM: Liver metastases from breast cancer (BCLM) are associated with poor prognosis. Cytotoxic chemotherapy can result in regression of tumor lesions and a decrease in symptoms. Available data, in the literature, also suggest a subgroup of patients may benefit from surgery, but few talked about tr...
Treatment for liver metastases from breast cancer: Results and prognostic factors AIM: Liver metastases from breast cancer (BCLM) are associated with poor prognosis. Cytotoxic chemotherapy can result in regression of tumor lesions and a ... Xiao-Ping,Li,Wei-Jian,... - 《World Journal of Gastroe...
liver cancer. Recent studies have shown growing interest in herbal products, nutraceuticals, and Chinese medicines as potential treatments for liver cancer. These substances contain unique bioactive compounds with anticancer properties. The causes of liver cancer and potential treatments are discussed in ...
Their first response may be “How could they have cancer without obvious pathogenic triggers. Then in the treatment process, they are hesitant about various treatment alternatives. They repeatedly turn to the network, acquaintances, friends, and friends of friends, for treatment options. Faced with...
Inducing and exploiting vulnerabilities for the treatment of liver cancer. Nature 574, 268–272 (2019). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hanahan, D. & Weinberg, R. A. Hallmarks of cancer: the next generation. Cell 144, 646–674 (2011). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar ...