Jock itch is the popular name given to an itchyrashin the groin that commonly involves the inner thighs and adjacent skin, including the scrotum in males. The medical name for rash in the creases of overlapping skin is "intertrigo." Jock itch is associated with sweating, friction/abrasion, oc...
The rash may become dry, rough, and bumpy, develop pus blisters, or begin to ooze. Sometimes, there is central clearing as the redness of the rash spreads outward to the thighs. The itching and rash can spread to the genitals, including the labia, vagina, scrotum, penis, and anus. Wome...
Smelly, itchy, and typically frothy or foamyvaginal discharge Vaginal itching Yellow or gray-green discharge Pain with urination possible Trichomoniasis Symptoms in Men Urethral discharge Pain with urination Pain and swelling in the scrotum (fromepididymitis) When to Seek Medical Care for Trichomoniasis ...
Genital psoriasis is a form ofpsoriasis, a chronic skin condition, that occurs on or around the genitals. Red, itchy patches can form on the penis, scrotum, testicles, labia, vulva, clitoris, and other parts of the genitalia. Genital psoriasis isn't asexually transmitted infection. You can'...
Dry mouth Weight gain and weight loss If YOU are suffering from any of these symptom(s) then you have candida yeast infections. Hello, My name is Eric Bakker and I am a naturopathic doctor, I have specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of yeast infections for over twenty years. I’ve...
Occurs on the top layer of skin on the arms, legs, trunk or face and appears as red, flat or slightly raised circular sores that may be intensely itchy. These may be dry and scaly or crusted and moist, and may be accompanied by tiny blisters or solid bumps (papules). As the sores ...
Calamine lotion may also be soothing to the itch but will tend to dry out the skin. For this reason, it may be more useful in the management of an acute flare-up of the condition rather than a good long-term therapy. Avoid physical and mentalstress. Eating right, light activity, and ...