Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Feinglosn MN,Angelyn Bethel BS. Med.Clin North AM . 1998Feinglos MN, Bethel MA (1998) Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Med Clin North Am 82: 757-790.Feinglos MN, Bethel MA. Treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Med Clin North Am 1998;...
When levels of glucose in the blood rise (for example, after a meal), the pancreas produces more insulin.Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body's cells resist the normal effect of insulin, which is to drive glucose in the blood into the inside of the cells. This condition is called ...
People who are middle-aged or older are most likely to get this kind of diabetes. It used to be called adult-onset diabetes or diabetes mellitus. But type 2 diabetes also affects kids andteens, mainly because ofchildhood obesity. Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes. About 1 in 1...
1型糖尿病(type 1 diabetes mellitus,T1DM)是以自身免疫系统对胰岛β细胞进行特异性损伤作为特征的自身免疫疾病[3];2型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)是胰岛素分泌不足或靶细胞对胰岛素不敏感所致;妊娠糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)的发生则与胰岛素抵抗、遗传因素和妊娠期饮食不当等有关;特殊类...
Batch, B., & Surwit, R. (2008). Diabetes mellitus type 2 and stress: Pathophysiology and treatment. In M. Feinglos & M. Bethel (Eds.), Type 2 diabetes mellitus: An evidence-based approach to practical management (pp. 433–438). Totowa, USA: Human Press....
Diabetes mellitus, disorder of carbohydrate metabolism marked by impaired ability to produce or respond to insulin and maintain blood glucose levels.
Type 2 diabetes mellitusgenital fungal infectionglycated hemoglobinsodium—glucosecotransporter-2Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a growing and serious global health problem. Inhibition of the sodium鈥攇lucosecotransporter-2 (SGLT2) can increase urinary glucose excretion and decrease plasma...
Meta-analysis of the effect and safety of berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia and hypertension Ethnopharmacological relevance: Berberine, extracted from Coptis Root and Phellodendron Chinese, has been frequently used for the adjuvant treatment of typ... Lan, JiarongZha...
Type 2 diabetes mellitus has become a major cause of concern due to changing diet habits and lifestyle. Though a wide range of drugs are available to treat this disease, a need for newer, still safer drugs is being felt nowadays, hypoglycemia being the major concern in the use of presently...
Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus Antibody methods for blocking the effects of diabetes- associated peptide, or amylin , a hormone found in the amyloid masses of Type 2 diabetics, are disclosed. This putative hormone has been discovered to function both to inhibit insul... GJ Cooper,H Gree...