I can identified with all the posts, for years I have had cracks and splits on my heels, in fact in summer and winter. Routine with creams and socks is just well know to me. It seems that different products work for different people. I would like to add an additional product to your...
The main things you’ll notice are irritation and soreness in the corner(s) of yourmouth. One or both corners may be: Bleeding Blistered Cracked Crusty Itchy Painful Red Scaly Swollen Your lips can feel dry and uncomfortable. Sometimes your lips and mouth can feel like they’re burning. You...
Fleas are about 1/8 to 1/12 of an inch long, wingless, and brown or black in color. They have hard bodies, large hind legs, and look flat. This body type allows them to move easily between the fur or feathers on their animal host. Fleas also have piercing mouth parts for sucking ...
This is a medical condition that affects the corner of your mouth. It is not a medical term that you would not hear very often as when most people have this medical condition they just call it “cracks in the corner of their mouth.” It is also known as cheilosis or perleche. It ref...
chin. These bumps are filled with watery fluid. Pain and burning may be felt in the blisters. Pain is mostly smarting type. These fluid-filled bumps may burst and get covered with a scab. Apart from above in few cases needing Natrum Mur cracks at the corner of the mouth may be ...
Teeth go through a lot of stress between everyday chewing and accidental impacts. Craze lines are usually surface cracks that are no cause for concern. But a painful crack in your tooth may be worse than you think. The common types of tooth fractures include: ...
Joint trauma, increased age,obesity, certain genetic factors and occupations, andhobbiesorsportsthat result in excessive joint stresses can result in the cartilaginous changes leading to osteoarthritis. Damage begins with the development of small cracks in thecartilagethat are perpendicular to the joint....