If these trials confirm the findings, benralizumab could become the first new therapy approved for eosinophilic exacerbations of asthma and COPD in over 50 years. In the time it has taken you to read this article, 40 people in the world have experienced eosinophilicasthmaor COPD flare-up. Un...
Asthma is a condition associated with the narrowing of the respiratory muscles and the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. This may lead to constant coughing by the affected individual to clear the airways. It has been stated that in most cases, coughing worsens at night when lying ...
It is possible for people withasthma(which is usually diagnosed early in life) to also have COPD later on. The maindifference between asthma and COPDis that the airways can be restored to normal or near normal if asthma is well controlled with the right inhalers, but COPD is a progressive...
This is one of the first studies to address the frequency, type and context of step-up and step-down changes in asthma therapy for children and young adults. The study asserts that asthma care continues to be episodic, with most physician visits occurring at a flare-up. Additional research ...
Asthma Attack Symptoms Also called an exacerbation or flare-up, anasthma attackcan occur at any time when symptoms are triggered. Mild attacks may last for only a few minutes, while more severe ones could go on for hours or days and can lead to a medical emergency. In fact, asthma attack...
Peak-flow meters often are given to asthma patients for use at home. They can use them to monitor their asthma. These devices help to detect the earliest signs of an asthma flare-up.Your doctor may want to do a blood test or allergy skin testing. These tests are used to determine ...
Limiting processed foods, sugary snacks, and dairy products may also help reduce acne flare-ups for some women. Foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can be particularly beneficial. Avoid Touching the Face: Frequent touching of the face can transfer bacteria and oil from your hands...
Symptoms similar to asthma may develop. These include wheezing and shortness of breath.Eventually, you may develop:a continuous cough breathlessness rapid breathing a bluish tint to the skin from lack of oxygen.Over time, the airways narrow. Blood pressure increases in the arteries that feed the...
Although, it is very rare for patients with EGPA to be treated with maintenance hemodialysis, it is known that ANCA-associated vasculitis can occur during hemodialysis treatment. Physicians should consider the risk of a flare-up of EGPA at the time of asthma exacerbation with marked eosinophilia ...
While there is no cure for asthma, treatment options—from inhalers to home remedies—can help control the symptoms so you're able to live a normal, active life.