Bone density and loss of bone density, consequences for prophylaxis and treatmentAbstract Without Abstractdoi:10.1007/BF02500750M.A.DambacherSpringer-VerlagOsteoporosis International
A study by researchers from Queen Mary University of London shows that bone loss known to be associated with the use of the breast cancer prevention drug Anastrozole partially reverses, particularly at the lumbar spine, after stopping treatment. Anastrozole is ahormone treatmentrecommended by NICE to...
Treatment of bone loss in proximal femurs of postmenopausal osteoporotic women with AGN1 local osteo-enhancement procedure (LOEP) increases hip bone mineral density and hip strength: a long-term prospective cohort studyBone mineral densityFemoral strength...
Your doctor may also recommend a test to measure your bone density. One test called a DEXA(双光子骨密度仪)scan is the most common tool used to measure bone density and diagnose bone loss and osteoporosis at an early ...
Metabolic bone disease and growth retardation are common complications of chronic renal failure (CRF). We evaluated bone mineral density (BMD), bone metabolism, body composition and growth in children with CRF, and the effect of growth hormone treatment (GHRx) on these variables. Thirty-three pre...
Optimal Management of Cancer Treatment-Induced Bone Loss: Considerations for Elderly Patients.Hormone manipulation, commonly used in breast and prostate cancer, can result in significant bone loss. In multiple myeloma (MM), corticosteroids play an important role in therapy but increase the risk of ...
(E2) group,Chinese herbs of tonify kidney group.12 weeks after the operation the medicine was administered,after 12 weeks,the bone mineral density(BMD) and date of bonc calcium,and pathological changes of the left thigh-bone were examined.Results:Compared with the Sham rats,the date of bonc ...
Osteoporosis is a global health problem for ageing populations. The goals of osteoporosis treatment are to improve bone mineral density (BMD) and prevent fractures. One major obstacle that remains a great challenge to achieve the goals is how to select t
Association of prevalent vertebral fractures, bone density, and alendronate treatment with incident vertebral fractures : effect of number and spinal locat... Association of Prevalent Vertebral Fractures, Bone Density, and Alendronate Treatment With Incident Vertebral Fractures: Effect of Number and Spinal...
Thus, NELL-1 loss- or gain-of-function led to reduced or increased intramarrow Wnt/b-catenin signalling, respectively. Next, we confirmed the association between NELL-1 and Wnt/b-catenin signalling in both OB and OC cells (Fig. 4). First, the M2-10B4 mouse bone marrow stromal cell (...