A dose of the constitutional remedy is said to raise the individual's general level of health with the benefits that logically follow (increased energy, greater resistance to infection etc). Thirteen-year-old Julia had had a verruca for two months and she was already fed up with it. She ...
Growth and expansion of inhaled or aspirated bacterial opportunists within the airway of patients with CF are treated with antibiotics in four distinct modalities: chronic prophylaxis to avoid (specific) bacterial infection; conversion to culture negativity upon detection of new (specific) bacterial opport...
My methods for treating PANDAS (Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection) are similar to those I use treating autism. In addition I tend to use the Streptococcal nosode to control the acute flare-ups of PANDAS. The conventional treatment for PANDAS is anti...
A humanized version of the 2H2/3C1 cocktail was found to synergistically neutralize authentic SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro and effectively treat SARS-CoV-2-infected mice when given at as late as 24 h.p.i. Moreover, we captured an ensemble of cryo-EM structures of SARS-CoV-2 S ...
The men were not helped even as the disease progressed to late-stage infection, in which people experience a wide range of neurological symptoms including erratic behaviour, paralysis, sensory loss and eventually death. It can take up to 20 years from initial infection for these symptoms to manif...
Eight subjects (35%) had their system removed after an average implant time of 30 ± 21 months (range 2 – 61 months), either for inefficacy (4/23), infection (1/23) or both (2/23). One patient requested the removal of the system for psychological reasons despite receiving ...
During this process, avoid trying to do too much too quickly. A good way of starting is to do frequent repetitions of a few simple exercises before gradually increasing the amount. Painful activities should be avoided, and you should not think of returning to your sport until your pain has ...
Ear infection (7, 8)Infections are one of the main complications of allergic rhinitis. A middle ear infection is a type of condition that has a strong association with allergic rhinitis in children. The human nose and ear might not seem like it, but they are internally connected....
Consequently, the main anti-infection tool used today in the medical field remains the antibiotherapy approach with often highly limited efficiency due to the high resistance of sessile bacteria to most antibiotics [4]. To conclude, and in light of this assessment, anti-biofilm-enzyme-based ...
Background: Preterm birth (PTB) is a leading cause of childhood disability, and it has become a key public health priority recognized by the World Health Organization and the United Nations. Objectives: This review will: (1) summarize current practice in