Treating type 2 diabetes mellitus with traditional chinese and Indian medicinal herbs. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013 :343594.Wang Z, Wang J, Chan P. “Treating type 2 diabetes mellitus with traditional Chinese and Indian medicinal herbs” Evidence-Based Compl Alternat Med. 2013;...
Type 2 diabetesMetforminSGLT-2 inhibitorsGLP-1 receptor agonistsSulfonylureasThiazolidinedionesInsulinType 2 diabetes is a growing problem within the United States and worldwide. Lifestyle modification remains the cornerstone of management, though additional treatment with antihyperglycemic agents isdoi:10.1007/...
2 Diabetes Mellitus Treating Type 2 Diabetes MellitusTreating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitusdoi:10.1007/978-0-387-09841-8_44These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.Herzlinger, Susan...
[关键词]伊班膦酸钠;辛伐他汀;2型糖尿病;骨质疏松[中图分类号]R587.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1671 6264(2014)05 0601 04doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671 6264.2014.05.014Clinicalstudyontreatingtype2diabetesmellituscomplicatedwithosteoporosisbyibandronatecombinedwithsimva...
文档标签: Type type 系统标签: diabetes mellitus target treating type nephropathy Type2DiabetesMellitusType2DiabetesMellitusTreatingtoTargetTreatingtoTargetJanuary22,2004.Dr.WilliamHarperEndocrinology&MetabolismAssisstantProfessorofMedicineMcMasterUniversity.drharper.caMacrovascularMicrovascularStrokeHeartdiseaseandhypertensi...
英文关键词:Diabetes mellitus,type 2TherapeuticsTCM SciencePathogenic Dampness 〖FL 基金项目: 4481 全文下载次数:4516 中文摘要: 根据新诊断2型糖尿病的临床特点,梳理中医学新诊断2型糖尿病的相关理论,认为新诊断2型糖尿病更加符合中医“脾瘅”范畴。湿邪是重要病理因素,湿郁化热为发病的关键,根据湿热邪气主要累及...
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) typically starts with insulin resistance in peripheral tissues and proceeds with gradual loss of islet function due to the reduction in β-cell mass or dedifferentiation of β cells1,2. More than 30% of T2D patients eventually rely on exogenous insulin treatment. Cadaveric...
AREAS COVERED: In this review, the authors discuss the key efficacy and safety data from phase II clinical trials in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) of the main SGLT2 inhibitors approved or currently in development, and provide a rationale for their use in T2DM. EXPERT OPINION: Despite the ...
Treating type 2 diabetes mellitus costs the UK National Health Service (NHS) £2 billion annually,doi:10.1007/BF03275380NoneSpringer International PublishingPharmacoeconomics & Outcomes News
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