Methods of treating colic and founder in horsesElizabeth Campbell
horses with better barefoot trimming, and put on a number of clinics. When I visited, there were so many rescued dogs, cats, and birds in her house, peacefully resting everywhere, especially on furniture near the wood burner. It was a cozy home, warmed by the presence of so many animals...
While riding in the tow vehicle with Odessa Holmes while we were hauling horses in her Equi Balance trailer, we could view the horses over a closed circuit video monitor. (This is a great idea for anybody's trailer, by the way!) I was surprised to see how much more effectively the hor...
The research was conducted on /145/ Arabian horses, that suffered from abdominal visceral pain (colic), in Syria from the Equestrian clubs and Private stables in the governorates of Homs, Hama, and Damascus country-side, for the period of October 2019 till the end of March 2022. The horses...
US5391372 1993年6月28日 1995年2月21日 Campbell; Elizabeth Methods of treating colic and founder in horsesUS5391372 * 1993年6月28日 1995年2月21日 Campbell; Elizabeth Methods of treating colic and founder in horsesUS5391372 Jun 28, 1993 Feb 21, 1995 Campbell; Elizabeth Methods of treating ...
Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data Analytics Services.doi:US2635981 AAustin, James A.Ratcliff, Karl A.USUS2635981 * Mar 23, 1949 Apr 21, 1953 Jensen Salsbery Lab Inc Process of treating frothy bloat in ruminants and tympanic colic in horses...