provide the establishment of a method of preventing or treating the injury effect in cells and organs by wasp venom on the basis of the mechanism of mast cells or the detailed mechanism of cell injury except a steroid or an epinephrine injection used as an emergency treatment of wasp sting.NI...
If you get stung, move to a safe area to avoid more stings and wash with soap and water as soon as you can. If the stinger is lodged in your skin, carefully remove it. For mild reactions For mild wasp sting reactions Apply a cold compress to help reduce pain and swelling. ...
The majority of people who just receive one sting will only feel the symptoms of a typical bee or wasp sting. All of the symptoms will occur near the spot where you were stung. These mild symptoms can include: Pain Swelling Itching Unfortunately, people who are allergic to bees and wasps ...
Using of ice on the affected area reduces itching and swelling occurred by theinsects’ bites. A mixture of water and baking soda can bring the poison of bee sting out from the affected area. As toothpaste has spearmint and peppermint in its composition, it can reduce the inflammation ofinsec...