Byline: TERRY DELVALLEDelvalle, Terry
To reduce the population of grass mites, begin with regular watering but avoid overfertilizing. Drought-stressed lawns are vulnerable to the pests. Remove any grassy weeds in the area andmow at the recommended heightfor the grass species. Don't leave the clippings on the grass; bag and dispos...
So, if you find yourself with some unwelcome chigger bites this summer after a day of work at deer camp, some time spent on the water fishing, or simply getting the yard mowed, find a bottle of Chigarid and see if you don’t agree!
Mow around the trees to remove weeds and allow for air to circulate. Seasons: Diplodia tip blight is present year-round. The fruiting bodies appear in summer. Risk level: If a canker infection becomes severe, it may kill wood tissue and significant parts of the tree. This disease causes th...
Overseed the lawn.Help prevent your yard from thinning byoverseeding the lawnonce a year. It’s a good idea to overseed with a disease-resistant cultivar. Remove existing weeds.Overgrown weedscompete with your turf for space, light, moisture, and nutrients. A severe weed invasion can weaken...
Sinziana Spiridon is an outdoorsy blog writer with a green thumb and a passion for organic gardening. When not writing about weeds, pests, soil, and growing plants, she's tending to her veggie garden and the lovely turf strip in her front yard....
Question:My five-year-old lab was running through the yard and suddenly start yelping and wouldn’t put weight on his rear right leg. I examined it and nothing seems broken. He let me bend all of his joints, but he won’t put any weight on it. I don’t want to rush to an emer...
My son and I were looking for bugs in the back yard. I tried lifted a stepping stone, but it didn't want to come up. As I was walking away my son screamed and then we saw a bunch of them buzzing us. They stuck to our clothes. I was stung three times and he was stung once....