Keep calm and cut ties with the person who doesn’t deserve you. I don’t want your half-love or half your attention. I don’t want to be a back-up plan in anybody’s life. Pin It That’s the problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second. I am not s...
“Let your girl know she’s the most amazing person in the world and she’ll forget the others for you.” “Appreciate what you’ve got. Show her respect and treat her right or somebody else will do it for you.” “Some men get the woman that everybody wants and forgets she’s st...
Living a great life and sharing that life with othersis the noble way to live.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie How true Daddy's words were when he said:all children must look after their own upbringing.Parents can only give good adviceor put them on the right paths,but the final forming of a...
You practice forgiveness for two reasons: to let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with them and to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment. Send love in some form to those you feel have wronged you and notice how much better you feel....
while a primary facilitator was an altruistic desire to prevent transmission to others. We also learned that models of delivery of HCV care should be collaborative and patient-centered, and that they should also be “low-barrier” with flexible scheduling and multiple opportunities for engagement. ...
You can infer that the reason he doesn’t seem to care for others is that he doesn’t have the ability to. “Some mental health problems can contribute to the development of selfishness. Many personality disorders, particularly antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, ...
I'm giving a standing O. Hope others do too. He gave us everything he had; left it all on the field. That's honorable. HarlemCoug 7/10/21 11:47pm Hes a mercenary. Was never a BYU guy. And he bounced for a bigger paycheck. Backcountry 7/10/21 11:59pm Sounds like Urban...
Because of the unexpected behaviors associated with this modifier, you probably should only use it to maintain weird backward compatibilities. /a (and /aa) This modifier stands for ASCII-restrict (or ASCII-safe). This modifier, unlike the others, may be doubled-up to increase its effect. ...
withholding treatment due to active substance use, stigma (both internalized and enacted by providers), competing needs (e.g. housing, food and substance use), and fear of failure of treatment and reinfection, while a primary facilitator was an altruistic desire to prevent transmission to others....
The syntax is a pair of parentheses with a question mark as the first thing within the parentheses. The character after the question mark indicates the extension. The stability of these extensions varies widely. Some have been part of the core language for many years. Others are experimental ...