储蓄回报:利率上升时,之前以较低利率固定的储蓄账户相对回报就减少了。 资产负债管理(Asset Liability Management,ALM):通过调整资产和负债的期限匹配,减轻利率变化的影响。 对冲策略:可以利用利率互换等金融工具来管理利率风险。 缺口分析(Gap Analysis):分析资产和负债的利率重置风险,进一步优化ALM策略。 货币风险(Curren...
Funding Transfer Pricing (FTP) 内部资金定价来转价融资成本和投资收益,直接决定业务部门净利润 Capital Management and Pension Management 管理预测和筹划银行Capital水平,以达到监管部门的要求,同时调整未来股利发放、股票发行回购等决策。 03 Asset liability management 管理和对冲利率风险 03 为什么Capital如此重要? Capi...
Funding Transfer Pricing (FTP) 内部资金定价来转价融资成本和投资收益,直接决定业务部门净利润 Capital Management and Pension Management 管理预测和筹划银行Capital水平,以达到监管部门的要求,同时调整未来股利发放、股票发行回购等决策。 03 Asset liability management 03 为什么Capital如此重要? Capital是衡量银行信用等...
Treasury负责向机构投资者通过发股或发债的形式融资,以保证业务部门放贷的资金充足, 同时确保银行任何时候都有充足的流动性。 02 Balance Sheet Strategy (B/S) Funding Transfer Pricing (FTP), Capital Management and Pension Management(管理与优化银行资源配置): 03 Asset liability management 管理和对冲利率风险 0...
Asset Liability Management Strategy & Governance is embedded in the Group Treasury department which is part of Credit Suisse's Finance (CFO) division with focus on optimizing the use of financial resources and acting as a guardian of the bank's financial franchise. We’re a...
Asset Liability Management to manage FX and IR risks arising from balance sheet activities and provide analytics on liquidity and funding management with the aim to optimise returns on a risk adjusted basis. The business also enhances management of the Bank's balance sheet with active reserve portfo...
Part of the Credit Portfolio Management team under Global Treasury - Asset Liability Management, managing the bank's investments in global investment grade corporate bonds. Upon excellent performance, opportunity for the candidate to progress to managing a sub-portfolio....
Risk Management solutions Solutions Finastra ARC Your one-stop shop for managing banking book risk and regulatory compliance Details Brochure Finastra ALM IQ An Asset & Liability Management solution for deeper understanding of the balance sheet and exposure, for small and mid-size banks Details ...
Assets and Liabilities, Deposits and Advances, analyzes the different ratios and Factor Sensitivity of interest rates. Dhaka Bank meets at least once a month to Analyze, Review and Formulate strategy to manage the Balance Sheet of the Bank. The key functions of DBL Asset Liability Management are...
The Treasury product line has a central and strategic role in financing the bank, providing a sound and cautious management of the group Crédit Agricole and Crédit Agricole CIB’s daily liquidity.