"Treasure Island" is a classic adventure novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson and published in 1883. It tells the story of Jim Hawkins, a young boy who embarks on a thrilling journey in search of buried pirate treasure. Here is a summary of the contents of the novel: 1. Setting: The...
Study "Treasure Island'' by Robert Louis Stevenson and learn more about the author. Read a summary of the novel, explore the plot, and analyze the...
The description of the island's plant life is particularly incredible, and makes the island leap out of the pages and into the readers imagination, especially as Jim is running through the island, desperate to escape the clutches of the pirates. The behavior of the birds, the swamps, thicket...
金银岛英文简介:"Treasure Island" is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a British novelist. It tells the story of Jim, a young Englishman in the mid-18th century, who got the legendary treasure map from the dying sailor Burns and organized an expedition to Treasure Island ...
literature BackgroundofTreasureIsland PirateGoldenAge(1691-1723)afterTheGreat VoyageAge Outofdesireofwealth,moreanymorepeoplebecamepirateevenifthereisriskofbeingahangedman.Summary Heroofthestory,Jim,wasatenyearsoldboy.Jim'sparentsranahotelnearthebayinMontenegro.Oneday,aguestswithascaronfacecamethehotel.His...
Background of Treasure IslandPirate Golden Age (1691-1723) after The Great Voyage AgeOut of desire of wealth, more any more people became pirate even if there is risk of being a hanged man.SummaryHero of the story, Jim, was a ten years old 's parents ran a hotel near the bay in ...
金银岛英文介绍Treasure-Island Author RobertLouisStevenson(1850-1894)RepresentativeoftheBritishneo-romantic literature BackgroundofTreasureIsland PirateGoldenAge(1691-1723)afterTheGreat VoyageAge Outofdesireofwealth,moreanymorepeoplebecamepirateevenifthereisriskofbeingahangedman.Summary Heroofthestory,Jim,wasaten...
After reaching Treasure Island, the pirates attempt to carry out their plans but fail. In the end, Dr. Livesey and the others chase the pirates off, and Jim and his friends escape with the gold.The Novel at a Glance
BackgroundofTreasureIsland PirateGoldenAge (1691-1723)after TheGreatVoyage Age Outofdesireofwealth,moreany morepeoplebecamepirateevenif thereisriskofbeingahanged man. Summary Heroofthestory,Jim,wasatenyearsold boy.Jim'sparentsranahotelnearthebayin ...