It tells the story of Jim Hawkins, a young boy who embarks on a thrilling journey in search of buried pirate treasure. Here is a summary of the contents of the novel: 1. Setting: The story is set in the 18th century and primarily takes place on a remote island in the Caribbean Sea...
金银岛英文简介:"Treasure Island" is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a British novelist. It tells the story of Jim, a young Englishman in the mid-18th century, who got the legendary treasure map from the dying sailor Burns and organized an expedition to Treasure Island ...
Again, one of the things that make this chapter so rich is the descriptions of the sights and sounds of the island. Critics often question where Stevenson was able to garner the immense amount of detail on the island. Although he had not yet made his own expedition to the West Indies (w...
Summary Saved by the discovery of Treasure Island, Jim is able to escape from the apple barrel and joins the other in perusing the island. The island, as they discover, has three hills, one higher than the surrounding two. At this point, Long John Silver admits that he has been on the...
It was originally serialized in the children's magazineYoung Folksbetween 1881 through 1882 under the titleTreasure Island, or the mutiny of the Hispaniola, credited to the pseudonym "Captain George North". It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883, byCassell & Co. Plotsummary[...
金银岛英文介绍TreasureIsland Author RobertLouisStevenson(1850-1894)RepresentativeoftheBritishneo-romantic literature BackgroundofTreasureIsland PirateGoldenAge(1691-1723)afterTheGreat VoyageAge Outofdesireofwealth,moreanymorepeoplebecamepirateevenifthereisriskofbeingahangedman.Summary Heroofthestory,Jim,wasaten...
Study "Treasure Island'' by Robert Louis Stevenson and learn more about the author. Read a summary of the novel, explore the plot, and analyze the...
The True Story of Treasure Island求翻译这篇短文 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 这是一直认为金银岛是罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的产品的想象力.违禁品,最近的研究发现这些激动人心的工作的真实故事.史蒂文森,一个苏格兰人,诚恳地住了许多年.1881年,他回到了苏格兰一个乏味.是他的美国妻子芬妮和他的儿子与他难过....
Author RobertLouis Stevenson (1850-1894) Representativeof theBritishneo- romanticliterature BackgroundofTreasureIsland Pirate GoldenAge (1691-1723) afterThe Great VoyageAge Outofdesireofwealth, moreanymorepeople becamepirateevenifthere isriskofbeingahanged man. Summa ry Heroofthestory,Jim,wasaten years...
翻译结果1复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 "Treasure Island" is written, quirky and romantic sea adventures. Jim protagonist of this story is a noble, good, brave boy, he used his wisdom translation of pirates. This book is not the most attractive treasure hunt process, but Jim and Silver for...