TRX-4M 无刷系统 | 强力升级 Traxxas推出了TRX-4M迷你攀爬遥控车的无刷动力系统,相比有刷动力,速度提升高达50%,具备更强的攀爬扭矩和更精确的油门控制。无论是炫耀翘头,还是驾驶定制的High Trail车辆穿越技术性的攀 - RCFans于20240924发布在抖音,已经收获了68.1万个喜
Traxxas TRX-4 HIGH TRAIL | 1979 Ford F-150 Ranger XLT, Traxxas的加高穿越版TRX-4推出新款式,配备1979 Ford® F-150® Ranger XLT皮卡车壳。原厂的加长悬挂连杆套件(Long Arm Lift Kit),车高提升25.4mm,门桥离地间距也相应提高,离去角、接近角和跨越角也较标准版TRX-4更大,直径2.2英寸的Canyon轮胎...
岩石攀爬的TRX-4,Traxxas推出新款TRX-4,名为TRX-4 Chevrolet K10 Cheyenne High Trail Edition(加高穿越版),通用汽车雪佛兰K10 Cheyenne车壳的穿越版车型。#Traxxas#攀爬车#遥控车 32 2 1 2 发布时间:2022-09-18 00:11 粉丝17.5万获赞67.5万 00:00 ...
This Factory-Lifted TRX-4 is a Beast on the Trail Traxxas elevates scale adventure with the lifted TRX-4® Chevrolet® K10 High Trail Edition. Thanks to its factory-installed Long Arm Lift Kit and oversize tires, the highly detailed K10 replica body stands over an inch taller than our...
最速开箱最新TRAXXAS TRX-4® F-150® High Trail 原厂升高2.2轮 BIGFOOT同款加个贴纸完美还原 9860 106 8:03 App 每个男孩的梦想!好朋友送了我一堆rc遥控车! 2036 8 2:33 App 最新田宫GF-02 squash van 4WS四驱大脚车"squash digger "致敬OG gravedigger 涂装制作原汁原味怪兽卡车 下地测试 2505 --...
【搬运】Traxxas_TRX4_Defender_&_TRX6_G63_Fun_Rock_Crawling_Day! 320 -- 7:12 App 【搬运】Traxxas_TRX4_Ford_Bronco_1979_RC_Crawler_Off_Road_Trail_-_YouTube 899 2 4:55 App 【搬运】RC攀爬车 T4乌尼莫克冬日野外行走 Traxxas TRX4 Benz Unimog Off-road Driving 4X4 Rc Car 337 -- 4:24...
Small-scale adventure takes a big leap in performance with TRX-4M High Trail™ Edition trucks. Available with either a Chevrolet® K10 or Ford® F-150® body, High Trail trucks offer over 35% more center ground clearance than a standard TRX-4M. Both trucks ride on larger Mickey Thom...
fast we could turn without flipping over. If on-road is all you do the TRX-4 shouldn’t be your first choice, but when you come across a paved section during an extra long trail drive you can unlock the diffs, click the truck into high gear, and blow other trucks out of the water...
Traxxas推出TRX-4 Chevrolet® K10 High Trail Edition新车,这是升高了底盘的穿越版本车型,加长了悬挂连杆,轴距延长至336mm。 RCFans遥控迷 关注1人18万粉丝 关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频 热门:商旅经济舱e舱和经济舱区别王牌竞速超速手刹怎么操作一汽奥迪南充高坪华星名仕GTI一秒破百成都车展u型锁...
【搬运】RC攀爬车 路虎越野车野外行走 1_10 Scale RC _ Custom Range Rover Sport Off-road Trail blacktaige 270 0 05:43 【搬运】RC攀爬车 T4的3S动力野外玩水 5 Minutes Traxxas TRX4 Defender (3S LiPo) - blacktaige 1028 0 10:02 【搬运】RC攀爬车 看看老卫士在自制野外场地穿越 超逼真 RC...