世界最快 1/8遥控车 177mph 285km/h的 traxxas slash 4x4 死老鼠 Tommy-RC 693 0 322km/h的遥控车身边擦过是种怎样的体验 Tommy-RC 780 1 世界最快伟力 124019 4S 240km/h CNHL电池 TP电机 Tommy-RC 1736 0 Arrma Infraction 越界 GT 288 km/h Tommy-RC 246 0 Traxxas 1/10 4Tec 2.0 288...
prepare yourself... the sheer brutal power combined with the Slash 4X4's four-corner grip results in tire-melting acceleration and lightning fast speed. The Velineon 3s components work together as an optimized package, from the patented Traxxas High-Current connector to the custom-wound motor. It...
TRAXXAS slash 4X4 遥控车 开箱 traxxas这个品牌的1比10短卡有很详细的分类 有两驱和四驱 高重心和低重心以及各种配置 我这一台是白金低重心四驱版本的slsha 这辆车一直给我一种皮实耐操的印象 这辆车我也不准备升级太多东西 原厂配置我感觉已经够用了 我有一辆1比5的baja 5b 对短卡这种车型一直都很喜欢 不过...
Now you can experience the fun of Slash 4X4 racing in 1/16 scale. At 14 inches long, the 1/16 Slash 4X4 is about half the size of the 1/10-scale Slash 4X4, but don't call it a "mini"—this is a whole new category of RC performance and fun that no mere mi
Recently released by Traxxas is a new affordable Slash 4×4 Brushed XL-5 short course truck. The previous versions have been extremely well received by the bashing public, and they have also built up a great reputation for the platform. Over the last few
在淘宝,您不仅能发现美国 HR Traxxas Slash 4x4 Rally 铝合金12mm六角加长款(25mm长的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于美国 HR Traxxas Slash 4x4 Rally 铝合金12mm六角加长款(25mm长的信息,请来淘
TRAXXAS 新款四驱Slash,LCG低底盘结构。最大亮点是采用了金属齿的高速舵机,超顺滑的GTR金属避震,金属C座和转向杯,黑色镀铬SCT轮毂,全新两款彩壳版本,加上TSM平衡系统和蓝牙模块,总体是一款终级性能版短卡,推荐搭配原厂电池和充电器套餐#2992,性能更佳!喜欢的朋友可直接联系电波模型有限公司旗下经销商咨询购买,或...
Traxxas | 滑板公园挑战!Slash 4X4 Ultimate 遥控车 00:00 / 01:39 自动 1080P高清登录即享 720P高清登录即享 480P清晰 360P流畅 自动(480P) 倍速 1 人正在看 , 1 条弹幕 请先登录或注册 弹幕礼仪 发送 27 2 20 16 稿件投诉 转自YouTube Traxxas 全新 Slash 4X...
Slash Goes BIG | Traxxas Slash 4X4 Ultimate 带 OBA 声音模拟器,顶级配置的Slash短卡遥控车来到极限运动场地狂飙!一起欣赏视频!
Traxxas rocked the world 15 years ago with the release of the Slash®, launching a short course revolution and a generation of enthusiasts that have propelled Slash to become the best-selling truck in RC. Now, Slash is going even bigger. We MAXXed the