Travis Scott 和 Kylie Jenner 于日前一起登上了《GQ》封面,在网上引起了热议。而在采访中,我们也了解到 Scott 原本计划参与 Kanye West 和 Kid Cudi 合作的专辑《Kids See Ghost》,进行 Featuring。Scott 某一天突然接到他们两人打来的 FaceTime,要求他发一段 Verse 过来,一起合作;Scott 当然很激动,因为他一直...
在线看Travis Scott for the kids 🖤 15秒。3 4月 2020的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 5065 — 已浏览。 82 — 已评价。
Skrillex:I don’t even remember what album you had back then but a lot of those kids didn’t even know who you were. You just completely won the crowd over. We were on the ship basically and you were like hanging on everything. It was like a rage ship and Travis was the...
Travis Scott 再度回歸改寫劇本,這次為 AJ1 低筒鞋留下截然不同的雋永印記。這款專為季節打造的和諧版本,混搭高級皮革與溫暖中性色調。乳白色裝飾片包覆深橄欖綠色鞋面,散發柔和大地氣息。Scott 的招牌反向 Swoosh 標誌,配上大學紅車縫細節,再掀經典新風潮。
俗话说的好,能让 Travis Scott 发歌,一定有大新闻。上一次是和自己的女友 Kylie Jenner 分手时发布了“HIGHEST IN THE ROOM”,结果空冠;这次是联手 Epic Games 旗下的堡垒之夜来了一场全球巡演。凭借这热度的造势,拉上了自己的偶像 Kid Cudi 组成一个新组合「THE SCOTTS」(关于这个名字的由来就不用多说...
Kanye 也曾经表示自己是“Ghosts”,Kid Cudi 就是 “Kids”,就以此为封面理念(image:Cover Box) 既然大家说 Travis 是年轻时的 Kanye,那 Travis 的专辑封面制作能力又如何? 在2017 年他和 Quavo 一起发布的那张《Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho》,封面看起来就像顽童的手笔,但这幅画其实出自英国著名插画家 Ralph ...
Kourtney Kardashian's ex Scott Disick "feels awkward" being around Kravis, but both he and Travis are keeping it cool. Watch!
Scott Disick recently took a stand against Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s disgusting behavior, particularly when Scott and Kourtney’s three children are around. So, what did Scott have to say?Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Have Shocked Many With Public AnticsSince Kourtney Kardashian...
17. “You’ve gottamotivate kids. They wanna grow up. They got problems. You’ve gotta give ’em that music to make ’em feel like they’re OK, and it’s only a couple of artists that do that.”– Travis Scott 18. “You’ve gotta really touch people to move them to buy your ...
Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner have kept a low profile since the birth of their daughter Stormi on Feb. 1. But that may be changing soon. Scott, 25, posted a Snapchat on Thursday showing the couple together for the first time since Stormi was born. The post consisted of a ...