Uber CEO Travis Kalanick also drives for Uber and claims he has a five-star ratingPaul Sawers
Uber is one of the world's most disruptive companies. The ride-sharing service this month celebrates its seventh anniversary. Since 2009, its growth has exploded. Uber has over one million active drivers globally. The company is valued at upwards of $60 billion. Co-founder Travis Kalanick...
Kalanick will stay on Uber's board of directors, the Times adds. In a statement to the Times, Kalanick said, "I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to ...
【#Travis Kalanick 即将离开 Uber 董事会#】优步联合创始人特拉维斯・卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)将从公司董事会辞职。卡兰尼克此前已将其股份的 90% 的股票锁定期满后出售,总额超过 25 亿美元的股票。通过退出董事会并出售股票,他实质上已经完全脱离了这家他所创立的公司。卡兰尼克最后在岗时间是 2019 年 12 月...
"I think that the world today is that cars need to be driven by people," Kalanick told CNBC on Wednesday. Earlier he hadsaid at Re/code's Code Conferencethat Uber would eventually shift toward driverless cars. Kalanick said that Uber has a "very good relationship with Google" and that th...
Travis Kalanick正式辞去Uber CEO一职,仍将留任董事局成员 虽然Uber CEO兼创办人Travis Kalanick已经无限期放假,但今日却又传出正式辞职的消息。纽约时报报导,一群Uber的主要投资者于昨日联名要求Kalanick即时词曲职务,而Kalanick在「经过长时间讨论」后默许投资者的要求。虽然辞去CEO一职,但他仍会留任董事局成员,...
Travis Kalanick,Uber的CEO (30,000:每周注册成为Uber用户的纽约人数目。Kalanick说:「如果你可以预测需求并提供相匹配的供给,那可是一桩非常牛X的大生意。」) 如果Uber是当前科技繁荣的典范,那么其根源可追溯到第一次互联网热潮的时候。那时的Kalanick还是加州大学洛杉矶分校计算机工程系的一名21岁的雄心勃勃的 学生。
Uber’s troubles this year have included widespread allegations of sexual harassment, a video showing Kalanick engaging in a belligerent argument with a driver, a major lawsuit claiming intellectual property theft from Google’s Waymo self-driving car unit, an executive obtaining the medical records ...
八年前,特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)在旧金山成立了一家名为UberCab的创业公司。如今,Uber已经发展为一家全球性大公司,是硅谷最成功的企业之一,同时也是最具有争议的企业之一。 Uber在全球600多个城市运营,据报道公司估值近700亿美元。而公司创始人,40岁的卡兰尼克的个人净资产也据说超过了60亿美元。