* see traverse-variant.h, which extends traverse to work on mapbox::variant. * To extend it to a new operation, see traverse-json.h, which writes to or * reads from a JSON object (via the picojson library), and traverse-lua.h, ...
开发者ID:starjumper,项目名称:Starjumper,代码行数:82,代码来源:Level.cpp 示例2: main ▲点赞 7▼ //BEGIN MAINintmain(intargc,char*arg[]){char*userInput;//what the user types insize_tbuffer =128;//sets buffer for getline()char**tokens;//array of pointers to tokens of command typedin...
MemoryMap *map=newMemoryMap(proc->get_memory(), MemoryMap::COPY_SHALLOW);map->prune(MemoryMap::MM_PROT_READ);// don't let the disassembler read unreadable memory, else it will segfault// Removes execute permission for any segment whose debug name does not contain the name of the executab...
https://github.com/kaestro/algorithms/blob/master/swexpert%20academy/5653_unordered.cpp ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 voidsimulate() {for(inti = 0; i < timeLimit; ++i) {for(myMap::iterator it = simulation...
(VIII) Reload time: | 7.7 | 9.6 | 10.5 | → | 10.6 | 12.6 | 13.6 | DPM: | 1870 | 1500 | 1371 | → | 1358 | 1143 | 1058 | Power to weight: 22.44 → 16.51 Hull traverse: 54 → 46 P.43 ter (VII) DPM: 分享114 c语言吧 学习PS中 @@/***用链表实现栈.cpp***/ #include...
RefMap* rv = sln2->get_refmap(); error += fn(sln1, sln2, ru, rv); } trav.finish();returnsqrt(error); } 開發者ID:colman01,項目名稱:hermes,代碼行數:32,代碼來源:norm.cpp 示例2: calc_error ▲點讚 6▼ /// Calculates the absolute error between sln1 and sln2 using function fn...
uint eCount =0;//Gesamtzahl der englischen Wörterstd::unordered_map<uint,Wordinfo> ef_pair, fe_pair;//Einzelwortbasierte Übersetzungshäufigkeit von e nach f (und umgekehrt)igzstreamf_in(argv[1]),e_in(argv[2]),a_in(argv[3]);std::stringf_line, e_line, a_line;while(getli...
ret = db_hash_map_tdb_error(dh); }else{if(count !=NULL) { *count = ret; } ret =0; }returnret; } 开发者ID:Alexander--,项目名称:samba,代码行数:26,代码来源:db_hash.c 示例11: tdb_hnd_length ▲点赞 1▼ staticinttdb_hnd_length(tdb_hnd_object *obj){intresult; ...
dIndaitdidointi,oan,maamnaunaulaglagianinoof fththeeininnneerr llooooppccoommmmanadndisiismimplepmleemnteendt,edde,tedremteinremdibnyed by matchminagtchthinegmthaegnmitaugdnietsudoefsthoef tmheeamseuarseudreadmapmliptulitduedteotothteheddeseisriereddaammpplliittuuddee,, wwhhiicchhisisddeeppenend...