教学Tograsptheimportantvocabularyandsentencesinthearticle.(Importance) Tofinishsomeexercisestograsptheselanguagepointsfurther.(Difficulty) 重难点 去留无意,闲看庭前花开花落;宠辱不惊,漫随天外云卷云舒。——《幽窗小记》 细心整理 预习要求TorevisethearticleinReading. ...
A method by which insurance claims may be handled on an on-going and continuous basis 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By providing Internet or web-based document repository and distribution services, insurance companies, approved vendors,... Setrak A. Ajamian,Harouteoun S. Ajamian - US 被...
1、Unit 2VocabularySuffixes -ful and -less,学习目标: 1、理解名词构成形容词的后缀。 2、让学生掌握本课中相关名词变 形容词的方法和拼写。 3、掌握适当补充的形容词。,Revision,1.a world-famous theme park 一个世界闻名的主题公园 2. at the entrance 在入口处 3. get into the house 进入房子 4. ...
travelling conversation cardsde cristina.cabal Reusable cards with useful phrases. One deck per group. PDFhere. Ready to play? Create groups of 3–4 students and give each group a board game, the two decks of cards, counters and a die. Students decide who starts the game. Student A thro...
Step2. Pre-listening 1. Vocabulary presentation: Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures.( tower, finish, lift, step) 2 . listening tips: When listening, Wacth the important words, such as names, times and numbers. Step3.While listening 1)Get the Ss to listen to a ...