Some of the most popular and most expensive dhow cruises leave from Nyali on the mainland opposite Mombasa Island. Last modified on Thursday, 17 March 2011 19:32 Country: Kenya Region: Kenya - Traveling in or to Kenya Read 122690 times Published in Travel To & Around Social sharing ...
This experience, was one of the reasons I wanted to go into the Peruvian Amazonia. At that time, it was… Read More Posts navigation Older posts Solo female traveller. Near & faraway places. Big cities & the middle of nowhere. 60+ countries worldwide. From the Arctic island of Senja in...
The first travelers of the world, those who risked their lives jumping into boats facing the uncertainty of the oceans in search of the new world 2000 years ago also got their inspirations from books until the time had come for them to embark on their navigations heading to the discovery of...
While staying at a guesthouse run by an Italian guy in Zanzibar, I really wanted to eat a pesto pasta. After great restraint, I convinced him to try making pesto without parmesan cheese – almost blasphemous for an Italian! At the end of the endeavour, he was rather surprised that it tas...
Chumbe Island (Zanzibar), Island, Irland, Scotland, lots of places in Europe, lots of islands.. France, such a beautiful country,... Canada, NZ, Hawaii... My daughter lives in NSW,Australia. I am very flexible at every time of the year, to travel. Why they want to house sit ...