Europe België (Nederlands) Belgique (Français) Čeština Deutschland España France Ireland Italia Netherlands Österreich Polska Portugal Russia (Россия) Schweiz (Deutsch) Suisse (Français) Svizzera (Italiano) Switzerland (English) Sverige United Kingdom ...
Ireland:Animals are not permitted in the hold (AVIH) on flights fromDublin. However, they are permitted to travel as cargo. Brazil:only allows the entry of birds that meet a series of requirements.More information. Argentina:Present an animal health certificate, issued by a licensed veterinarian...
Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, USA (Hawaii and Guam only), Jamaica, Iceland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR(China), and Macao SAR (China), hold valid microchips and pass on-site quarantine. ...
We were taking our two dogs to Ireland for the first time after Brexit so they both required an AHC. The whole process was clearly explained over the phone, the home visit went smoothly. We had planned to visit a local vet while there and have EU pet passports issued which we did. ...
When flying to Finland, Ireland, Malta or Norway and travelling with a dog, in addition to the aforementioned requirements, they must be treated against Echinococcus between 120 and 24 hours prior to entering the destination country. For flights to/from the United Kingdom, pets must travel with...
Travelling with pets abroad is easy on the Hull to Rotterdam route. Discover P&O’s pet and dog friendly ferry to Amsterdam and book your pet-friendly cabin today.
And so, my trip to Ireland and Beara was indeed entirely new for me, yet it was also somewhere that felt close and known. I’m heartened to have explored another part of my home isles, and found so much remote beauty. It seems you can find a whole different travel experience by ...
Pets in the cargo hold Cost to transport your pet in the cargo: 150 - 180 EUR (online) 170 - 200 EUR (airport), per animal, each way. Cats and dogs can travel in the cargo hold on the following flights: Flights within Schengen and/or EU (Ireland and Iceland excluded) Flights to/...
Native Irish Dog Breeds The Irish Shillelagh Irish Saints Ireland's Rose of Tralee International Festival A Traditional Irish Christmas Ancient Irish Wedding Customs Irish Waterford Crystal Irish History & Legends The Irish National Anthem|History of Irish Dance|The Irish in Australia|The Titanic and ...
It’s a search for roots in Ireland. Her long hike in western Ireland leads to a reflection on movement-cultural, psychological, personal. There is much to learn by getting away from the tourist route, walking and speaking to the people you meet along the way. They have stories to tell ...