and a few other famous sights.take the trainwrite again soon and send photos The structure of this text P1P2P3who, when, where, whythe detailed planlooking forward to the responsewhen to go and return how to go and returnwhat to doSummaryUnderline the words and phrase used to express emo...
· Ask students read the text quickly, summarize the main ideas of the paragraphs, and complete the table in activity two. Then think about and summarize the main structure of the essay. 3. Practice (30 minutes) · Distribute the task sheet for students to write a letter to a friend ...
To help people learn more about PeruWhile - reading: Skimming113) Where does this text probably come from? A. An agricultural magazineB. A medical journalC. An engineering textbookD. A tourist brochureWhile - reading: Scanning12The sentences of “spend”While - reading: Part 11. From there...
readingtravelling示范课writing旅行公开课 Unit2Travelling Around Readingforwriting Content目录 3.Analysisoftextandstudents教材及学生 分析 4.Teachingobjectives教学目标 5.Teachingapproaches教学方法 6.Teachingprocedures教学流程 7.Teachingreflection教学反思 1.Unitplan单元规划 2.Theoreticalbasis理论基础 1 Unitplan单元...
Read the text carefully.1、不要做刺猬,能不与人结仇就不与人结仇,谁也不跟谁一辈子,有些事情没必要记在心上。2、相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久,总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。3、其实每个人都很清楚自己想要什么,但并不是谁都有勇气表达出来。渐渐才知道,心口如一,是...
design a reading for writing lesson by following this teaching paradigm. The third part is about analysis of text and students. As for the teaching material, it’s an email and the thematic context is human and self as well as human and nature. Its topic is about travel plan. As for ...
《Travelling》ReadingPPT Unit2TravellingReading(1)-.Free-talk:1.Haveyoubeentoaplaceofinterest?Whereisit?Whatdoyouthinkofit?2.Ifyouhaveenoughmoneyandtime,wheredoyouwanttogo?Why?Placesofinterest theGreatWall (Beijing,China)theStatueofLiberty (NewYork,theUSA)theGoldenGateBridge(San-Francisco,theUSA)the...
ReadingfortexttypeText1Text2encyclopediabrochure PeruisacountryonthePacificcoastofSouthAmericawiththreemainareas:narrow,dry,flatlandrunningalongthecoast,theAndesMountains,andtheAmazonrainforest.Inthe1400sand1500s,PeruwasthecentreofthepowerfulancientIncaEmpire.TheIncaemperorlivedinthenow-famoussiteMachuPicchu.Spainto...
Unit 2 Travelling AroundReading for writingContent 目录3. Analysis of text and students 教材及学生分析4. Teaching objectives 教学目标
Activity2Readforstructure.●首先学生通过 教师带领学生了解文本信息的类型和结构。快速阅读方式, Askthestudentstoreadthetextquicklyandjudge识别语篇类型、5min thetypeofthetext.(It’sanemail) 邮件格式、基本 Questionsrelatedtotheemail: 要素、主题和结 ①Whatarethebasicelementsofanemail? 邮件结构:Greeting;MainBod...