The reason for this is that the cost per kilometer decreases when you travel more kilometres in one go. Five separate 100 km bus journeys (A to B to C to D to E) will usually cost you more than one 500 km journey (A to E). However, like most rules, this one was also made ...
Normally the price of is taking a taxi = €6, payment per kilometer = €8, a minute of waiting in a traffic jam = €0.8. And taxis charge more for more than 2 passengers, large bags, large pets, leaving from the airport, and pre-ordering. In Finland, its also got unlicensed taxis...
Main beach The main beach on Rabbit Island golden sand and approximately half a kilometere long. It’s the beach that you arrive on Rabbit Island and you can see Kep across to the mainland. The beach is only a few metres wide, however, there’s room for sun loungers, deck chairs and ...
” Once it is established it will be rolled out across all forms of motorised transport.” Agreed, govt are finding that increases to current fuel duty rates not popular with voters. Clearly Road Pricing for HGVs is the thin end of the wedge, it’s the way all new taxation schemes are ...
Clearly Road Pricing for HGVs is the thin end of the wedge, it’s the way all new taxation schemes are introduced, start small and once the scheme is established the rates are ramped up in successive budgets. Look the London Congestion Charge and VAT. The sensible solution would be to ...