Travel is easy enough to spell, but the wordstraveling,traveler, andtraveledare a common cause of confusion because some people spell them with onelwhile others use two. Travelingortravellingdepends on where your audience is.Travelingis the preferred spelling in the United States.Travellingis the ...
美[ˈtræv(ə)l] 英['træv(ə)lɪŋ] 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 travelling 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 旅行的;巡回的;流动的going from place to place 2. 旅行用的used when you travel n. 释义: 全部,旅行,旅游,游历,传播,流传,旅行的,巡回的,流动的,旅行用的,旅程,差旅费,带...
Do the other forms of 'travel' have one L or two? It depends on where you are in fact, with 'traveling' and 'traveled' being more common in the U.S., and 'travelling' and 'travelled' being used everywhere else.
Traveling is a pleasant experience. You learn new cultures, meet new people, and taste new food. But is ittravelingortravelling? Is ittravelledortraveled? Let me tell you that all four spellings are correct. I’ll show you the difference betweentraveledvs.travelledandtravelingvs.travellingin th...
1. Traveling, the present participle of travel, refers to the act of traveling; tourism; spreading; or circulating. It can also signify an outing; a journey; especially a series of frequent travels. The phonetic symbol for travel is [ˈtræv(ə)l], and the ...
The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.While travelingBe sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.Keep ...
根据短文第三段中的“You'll find the enjoyable moments happening all around you...”和“The magic will truly be in the trip you take.”可知,愉快的时刻就发生在身边。故选B。 .C. 考查主旨大意。根据短文第一段中的“Traveling is an exciting experience”可知,旅游是一种令人兴奋的体验。故选C ...
1. Things to do when traveling 2. Pair Work (1) T: Till now, we’ve learnt so many places and things to do. Could you please use both of them to make a dialogue like this? (2) Students practice making dialogues in pairs using different places and things to do to replace the unde...
which is more important, reading or travelling?阅读和旅游哪个更重要?reading is more important than travelling.阅读比旅游更重要。 <traveling traveled travelling travelled > [ ˈtrævəl, ˈtrav(ə)l] 动词 不及物动词 显示动词变位表 1. travel (make journey): travel viajar when are you traveling? ¿cuándo viajas? they traveled by night viajaron de noche to travel by air or by plane viajar en...