Forget spending 12 months in a haze of alcohol, harem trousers and sunburn. Travel in your late 20s and 30s is a far more rewarding time to explore the world., and the other day I came across this blog post I’d written, about taking a gap year in your thirties. It was a time warp for me, a flashback to those first few months of exploring the world and getting to experience all the places I’d read about in my previous two...
A travel-along photographer is like a travel companion who takes photos for you for an hour or two while accompanying you to the destination of your choice. Due to this year's travel boom and social media, such photographers have grown in popularity.“ With social medi a platforms, every ...
But if your other half doesn’t want to, and you really do, you may (sadly) have to assess your compatibility. I was once in this predicament, and it took months of thought, heavy discussion, and someone trying to compromise my plans when saying, “I think if you were away for three...
So, before you embark on your next adventure, equip yourself with the right translation tools and embrace the beauty of diversity that awaits you. With the power of language on your side, you’ll leave no website behind in your quest for the best travel experiences!
Unforgettable group trips designed for travellers in their 20s & 30s. From paradise islands to lost cities, explore the World’s most incredible destinations.
51.Studentsattend"shortterms"inMayandJunetoearnthe(credit)requiredforgraduation. 补全句子 1.Hefailedinhisattemptto(控制)thecompany. 2.Youhaveto(弥补)forourloss. 3.Whydoyou(申请)thisposition? 4.Doyouspeakanyforeignlanguage(除..之外)English? 5.Youhaveto(登t己)attheairportanhourbeforeyourplanelea...
degree (well, he does, I’m considering it), and then we need to be stable and settled before we take the plunge and lock ourselves in for the next 18 years. By my calculations, that means I need to travel RIGHT NOW or risk an expensive and difficult pregnancy in my mid-late 30s....
86.(1分) Fight against the mosquitoes in the hot spots. There are many mosquito-borne illnesses in tropical regions, which are traditionally vacation hot spots. Therefore, mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂)that contains DEET should be an essential item in your travel bag. 87.(1分) In lesser-...
We are a travel tour operator, specialising in small group tours to more than 55 destinations around the world. If your dream is to ride a camel at Egypt's Pyramids of Giza, to track tigers across India's national parks, or to explore the temples of ancient Kyoto in Japan, then you'...