4.What does the underlined word “weigh” in Paragraph 6 mean? A.Combine. B.Consider. C.Influence. D.Keep. B A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit read our tips below : Visit at Night Riding up the E...
(1)The_West_Lake,_the_Great_Wall,_Paris,_London_and_so_on.(2)We_can_travel_by_plane,_by_bus,_by_train,_on_foot,_by_bike,_by_ship_and_so_on.2.What's the meaning of travelling?①It_can_broaden_our_view.②We_can_experience_different_cultures_and_life.③We_can_enjoy_the_...
4.What does the underlined word “weigh” in Paragraph 6 mean? A.Combine. B.Consider. C.Influence. D.Keep. B A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit read our tips below : Visit at Night ...
W:Metoo.IntheparadeIsawMickeyMousewavetome. 4.M:YourbrotheriscomingfromNewYork.Whenwillyoumeethimattheairport? W:Ataquartertothreethisafternoon. 5.W:Doyouplaycomputergameseveryday? M:No.Ioftenusemycomputertosearchforinformation. 6.M:IhearyourfatherworksinParis. W:No.Thatwasfiveyearsago.Sincethen...
E.Telling them you're going to the most famous museum in Paris? F.At the end of every day,talk about what each of you finds memorable. G.Hopefully,everyone will enjoy themselves so much they won't think about screen time. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: Do you like travelling Staying he...
ReadBoswell’s Diaries. What about what it was like to be a tramp in the 1930s? Read George Orwell’sDown & Out in Paris and London. What about life as a woman in the 1950s – Doris Lessing’sThe Golden Notebook. For a slightly more up-to-date view on London life, I’d recomme...
General tips for saving money on transportation #1 - Travel to countries where transportation is cheap If you want to save money on transportation while travelling, consider what countries you’re actually visiting in the first place. The cost of travel, whether by taxi, public transport or ...
barrier. While English may be considered the global lingua franca, it cannot be assumed that every corner of the world speaks it fluently. Many travelers find themselves in situations where they struggle to communicate with locals, navigate public transport, order meals, or seek assistance in ...
1. Free Transport If you take one thing away from all the posts on tips for travelling to Geneva, take this. If you're staying in the city centre, don't pay a taxi to take you in - get the train, it takes ten minutes, it's a regular service and, most importantly, it's free...
Ifinallymade(联系)withherinParis. 17.Thenewlybuiltschoollibrarywillbeauseful(来源)ofinformationforallthestudents. 18.Totravelabroad,you*11havetogetapassport,andyou'llalsoneeda(签证). 19.Hehasa(独特的)wayofmakinghisclasseslivelyandinteresting. 20.Someresidents[居民]accusedcity(官员)ofapplyingadoublest...