Traveli ng with Kids 和孩子一起旅行 Sarah:Okay, John.I was curious about a tripy ou'vetake n. Have you ever take n a really, reallyawesome trip? 萨拉 我对你之前的旅行经历很感兴趣。你有没有非常棒的旅 行经历 John:Yeah. I'vebeen on a lot of awesome trips butI d idn't know ...
1、因语阅读和孩子一起旅行Traveling with KidsSarah: Okay, John. I was curious about a tripyouve take n. Have you ever taken a really, reallyawesome trip?萨拉:好,约翰。我对你之前的旅行经历很感兴趣。你有没有非常棒的旅 行经历?John:Yeah. Ive beenon alot of awesome trips butIdidntknow ...
Whiletraveling with a childat any age may seem like a daunting prospect, experts claim that it can significantly boost development. They say travel can expand a kid's world, making them more empathetic toward cultural differences and helping them adapt to changing situations. It can even shape ...
I've been on a lot of awesome trips but I didn't know that trips could be so awesome until I went with my kids. 约翰:有。我有很多很棒的旅行经历,不过在我和孩子们一起去旅行以前,我没想到会那么精彩。 Sarah: Really? It went well? 萨拉:真的吗?很顺利吗? John: Oh yeah. It went ...
It's more fun, I think to take kids with on a trip. 约翰:对,非常顺利。我认为带孩子一起旅行,乐趣更多。 Sarah:Where did you go? 萨拉:你们去哪里旅行了? John:I went to Thailand. 约翰:泰国。 Sarah:Wow. 萨拉:哇哦。 John:My first trip with a kid was with my daughter to Thailand. ...
皮正海工Advice on Traveling with Kids Whether it's your first trip with your first child, or your fifth with your fifth.traveling with children will always be hard. From what to take to how to get there, it's full of worries. However, there is some advice that can save you from goin...
上文"Traveling with kids,regardless of the age,is a terrible experience for new parents.(和孩子们一起旅行,无论年龄如何,对新父母来说都是一次可怕的经历。)"说明带着孩子旅游是困难的,下文"Travel expenses also might be unexpected at any point of the trip.(差旅费在旅行时也可能是无法预料的。)"...
Tips for Traveling with a Child with Special Needs: Even Though Most of These Tips Are Specific to Children with PKU, They Can Also Be Useful for Parents of Children with Many Other Disorders. These Recommendations Can Be Modified to Fit Your Child's Individual Dietary, Medication, Therapy, ...
If you are planning your first road trip or vacation with children, there are several important things to consider.Get a child locator. and many parents sometimes lose their kids Popular tourist destinations are overcrowded, too. So, if you are afraid of losing your children, get a child ...