To find the best credit card to use when traveling in Japan, look for a travel rewards card - just like those we’ve looked at here. There are a couple of key things to look at when comparing options. These are the annual fee, and foreign transaction fees. These will determine how mu...
It’s unimaginable to mention Japan without considering how it respects people as individuals. Being alone has always been an integral part of Japanese culture. It’s even reflected in the Japanese language since Ohitorisama is an expression referring to people who live or do things on their ow...
In Japan, you should bow, and themore respect you want to show, The deeper you should bow. In Thailand, peoplegreet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest, In bothcountries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect. Manycountry have rules about what you should and ...
完形填空 Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirmhis flight home with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to 1 his Spanish, When he was speaking to people 2 he had no 3 understanding what they said 4 , when he
It was 2011 when I first came to Japan for a week away from work and everything else in Florida. Admittedly, I was still young in very many ways; I hadn’t even been out of college for a full year yet! Sure I had been to Europe twice while in college, took a train down the ...
The Big Durian has a vast range of food available at hundreds of eating complexes. You can find great Chinese, Japanese and many other foods. There is also availability of street foods. Your visit to Jakarta won’t be complete if you don’t try Nasi Goreng (fried rice) which is consider...
The Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know each other and they don’t drink at lunchtime. The Germans like to talk b
5. Japan The “Land of the Rising Sun” is probably the most fascinating place you’ll ever visit due to its bizarre fetish culture, outlandish fashion, and steadfast respect for ritual and tradition. Even more intriguing is the country’sdeep appreciation for (and appropriation of) hip hop ...
Thank you SB magazine and other Japanese mags for published my work over the past years, a big ありがとう to everyone in Japan for supporting my DVDs. As of right now I get more love in Japan with my DVDs then in America. 私はすぐに日本に来て欲しい! Fu Ling Chao, also known ...
If you will be going to Japan in the near future, please stop by Utsunomiya and give our regards to Fuku-chan and Yat-chan. And don’t forget theedemame. (Read about our life and times in Japan and more than a dozen other exotic working vacation destinations inOn The Other Guy’s ...