A travel blog with travel tips and personal experiences. From short trips to living and working abroad. By Sanne Wesselman: a traveler, wanderer & digital nomad.
The best travel jobs allow you to earn income exploring the world. Here are examples of people living the dream - making money traveling.
Take a Virtual Travel Vacation anytime. Experience places through beautiful photos and narrative of those that have been there. We also suggest readings, movies and music.
school students.Their 75+ program offerings include sailing,medicine,culture, arts,community service and leadership adventures.Programs are located in 40+ countries including the Caribbean, Central and south America,Canada,Australia,China,India,South Africa,France,Thailand,the Solomon Islands and Fiji. ...
Fiji truly is a South Pacific Paradise. With this view, we were given an assortment of fresh fruit and refreshing natural beverages. While they were all delicious, the favorite was fresh Fiji pineapple. Remembering that sweet fruit, makes us long for more, and a return to the South Pacific...
March 19, 2010: Starting as the ring bearer for our own wedding in Fiji, The Penguin has increasingly become a favourite wedding crasher, having now chanced upon weddings in Jamaica, Fiji and Australia. If you'd like The Penguin to crash your wedding, drop us a line and perhaps The ...
Westpac (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands) Be sure to check with your local bank on specific coverage areas. There are some exceptions, i.e., if you use your Barclays card in one country, there might not be a fee...
Happy Birthday to my Queen and youngest No doubt, we return to Fiji because of it Happy 9th Birthday Brendan! Always I admit, I thought New Zealand was going to be a l Do you put your marriage or children first and why It seems like we blinked and these kids just sprou ...
school students.Their 75+ program offerings include sailing,medicine,culture, arts,community service and leadership adventures.Programs are located in 40+ countries including the Caribbean, Central and south America,Canada,Australia,China,India,South Africa,France,Thailand,the Solomon Islands and Fiji. ...
When we were planning this trip, we decided to prioritize locations, which are difficult to reach or require more time than we have on a normal vacation trip. This is how Australia and New Zealand got pretty much on top of our list. But there also were a couple of places, which are ...