When preparing for your travels, please familiarize yourself with the rules regarding animal transportation and service animals.
By traveling with your pet you will eliminate the undue stress your pet feels at the kennel. Your pet does not have to go through the experience of being dropped off at an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, with a routine outside of his or her normal day to day life. Lastly, kenn...
Qatar Airways does not accept transporting animals transferring from flights operated by other airlines. However, transporting animals from Qatar Airways to other airlines is permitted. If you plan to connect onwards after your Qatar Airways flight when travelling with your pet, you must ensure all...
Traveling with service animals We welcome trained service animals on Alaska Airlines at no charge. To ensure that both you and your service animal travel easily and comfortably, please review this entire page carefully to understand the requirements that are applicable to your travel. Service animal...
When moving or travelling with brachycephalic animals, you are required to work with a pet travel agent who will ensure they meet all conditions of travel. Please contact any of the agents listed on the IPATA Pet ShippersOpen a new window page when arranging air travel for a brachycephalic ...
Qatar Airways does not accept transporting animals transferring from flights operated by other airlines. However, transporting animals from Qatar Airways to other airlines is permitted. If you plan to connect onwards after your Qatar Airways flight when travelling with your pet, you must ensure all ...
When moving or travelling with brachycephalic animals, you are required to work with a pet travel agent who will ensure they meet all conditions of travel. Please contact any of the agents listed on the IPATA Pet ShippersOpen a new window page when arranging air travel for a brachycep...
Binoculars: With wild animals, it's important to remember that you can be just as damaging and dangerous to them and their environment as they can be to you. It may be tempting to approach wildlife for a closer look, which is why binoculars are the perfect tool for safe viewing from afa...
How Well Do Dogs Cope with Air Travel? An Owner-Reported Survey Studydoi:10.3390/ani13193093AIR travelINTERNATIONAL air travelPETSDOGSCOMMERCIAL aeronauticsDOG ownersDOMESTIC travelDOMESTIC animalsSimple Summary: Pet air travel has increased in the last decade, and 6% of pets in the US...
If you travel by air across the centre of Africa or south. America you fly over forests for thousands of kilometres. These great forests are the oceans of trees. There are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals. However the worlds forests are getting smaller...