More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
The meaning of TRAVEL TIME is a usually specified period of time spent in traveling at work or from the entrance of a business establishment to the place where work is actually done (as in portal-to-portal travel or deadheading) for which compensation ma
There are 429 synonyms available. These are cognitive relationship words which is to say they have a similar meaning, mean the same thing, or have close definition and relationship to travel. SynonymDefinition Adoa rapid bustling commotion
VocabularyAMatchthewordsandphrasesbelowwhichhave Britishand thesamemeaning.Foreachpairdecidewhichis AmericanEnglish BritishEnglishandwhichisAmericanEnglish.1subway2citycentre3carry-onbaggage4oneway5return6freeway7restroom8elevator9coachclass10timetable11carpark a)motorwayb)liftc)publictoiletd)schedulee)economy...
IV. Discussing the meaning of travel Complete the mind map based on your life experience V. Homework 1. Finish the listening exercises on the workbook. 2. Read aloud the script of the video on page 43 to further understand the meaning of travel. ...
In characters there are no spaces between different compound words. An example is 我是美国人, which means "I am American." If spaces were put in the phrase would look like this "我是 美国人." In pinyin it would be written with the spaces between the different words like Wo Shi Meiguo...
知识技能: To introduce the topic of puter 过程与方法: To activate existing vocabulary and identify the meaning of new words related to the topic 情感态度价值观: To talk about the use of puter 教学重点 the use of puter 教学难点 the use of puter 教学过程 一、创设情境、导入新课 集体备课 1...
VocabularyAMatchthewordsandphrasesbelowwhichhave Britishand thesamemeaning.Foreachpairdecidewhichis AmericanEnglish BritishEnglishandwhichisAmericanEnglish.1subway2citycentre3carry-onbaggage4oneway5return6freeway7restroom8elevator9coachclass10timetable11carpark a)motorwayb)liftc)publictoiletd)schedulee)economy...
VocabularyAMatchthewordsandphrasesbelowwhichhave Britishand thesamemeaning.Foreachpairdecidewhichis AmericanEnglish BritishEnglishandwhichisAmericanEnglish.1subway2citycentre3carry-onbaggage4oneway5return6freeway7restroom8elevator9coachclass10timetable11carpark a)motorwayb)liftc)publictoiletd)schedulee)economy...
1. describe travel experiences and express feelings with target vocabulary;2. have a deeper understanding of the meaning of travel and discuss its importance;3. discover the rules of word compounding and properly use compound words in context.Teaching Procedures: 2nd PeriodI. RevisionT: Ask ...