Travel to Guangzhou, China?
据悉,从即日起,广州白云机场T2国际抵达厅的中转游柜台正式对外开放。持有外国护照并在广州白云机场进行国际中转的旅客都可以免费报名参与,开启一段独特的“China Travel”广式体验之旅,深入感受广州的自然风光和风土人情。热情欢迎 广绣礼物馈赠首团游客 “Welcome to GuangZhou!”历经十余小时的长途飞行,首团国际...
持有外国护照并在广州白云机场进行国际中转的旅客都可以免费报名参与,开启一段独特的“China Travel”广式体验之旅,深入感受广州的自然风光和风土人情。 热情欢迎 广绣礼物馈赠首团游客 “Welcome to GuangZhou!”历经十余小时的长途飞行,首团国际游客抵达广州下飞机后,就感受到了来自这座城市的热情欢迎。一份精心准备...
Guangzhou, the south gate of China, has a satisfying transport system radiating to the whole country and even the world. It has direct flights with Los Angeles of US, Vancouver of Canada, London of UK, Paris of France, Amsterdam of the Netherlands, Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, Singapor...
Posted by Travel 2 China Info Guangzhou, often known as Canton, is the capital of southern China’s Guangdong Province. Long a major port city and commercial gateway to southern China, it has an extensive history of foreign contact, reaching back to Arab traders of the Tang period, through...
“Welcome to GuangZhou!”历经十余小时的长途飞行,首团国际游客抵达广州下飞机后,就感受到了来自这座城市的热情欢迎。一份精心准备的广绣礼物,让他们深切感受到了广州的用心与诚意。广绣作为国家级非物质文化遗产之一,一针一线间都绣出了岭南的独特魅力。广州以此佳礼馈赠远道而来的贵宾,让首团国际游客们惊喜不已,一...
Guangzhou, also known as Sui, Yangcheng, Huacheng, is the capital of Guangdong province. It is one of the central metropolitans in China. It is a mega city for China and a quite international one. It is one of the trade centers in the world.
据悉,从即日起,广州白云机场T2国际抵达厅的中转游柜台正式对外开放。持有外国护照并在广州白云机场进行国际中转的旅客都可以免费报名参与,开启一段独特的“China Travel”广式体验之旅,深入感受广州的自然风光和风土人情。 热情欢迎 广绣礼物馈赠首团游客 ...
Guangzhou is a dynamic, bustling metropolis and the third largest city in China. It’s also renowned as a popular tourist hotspot with numerous attractions and fantastic shopping and nightlife.
Guangzhou in brief Guangzhou is the capital city of the Guangdong Province, South China and a worldly famous economic, gastronomic and tourist halt city. Also known as Canton, this major Chinese city influenced by the nearby Hong Kong and Macao is somewhat the first city travelers to China will...