10. Don’t Plan on Using Credit Cards Everywhere While it seems that most of the world now accepts credit cards, it’s not uncommon for places in Europe to only accept cash. Having euros on hand for tips, taxi rides, restaurants, purchases at local markets and daily activities will make...
When planning a trip to Europe, establish a budget as early as possible—even before you know your destination, travel dates, or itinerary. Some destinations are generally cheaper than others, but there are ways to save everywhere: travel in the off-season, pick budget accommodations, plan a ...
EuropeUpClose.com is a Europe Travel Guide, Blog and Community helping travelers find the best flights, hotels, restaurants and things to do.
Of course, with so many destinations to choose from, planning a trip to Europe can feel overwhelming. You’ll need to do a bit of research and organization to figure out where you want to go and when. There are plenty of Europe trip planners and tools online, but if you’re looking f...
Europe travel tips – ask an Expert Traveller Tips for travelling to Europe for the first time – from an expert traveller! Thinking of travelling Europe this summer? You’re in good company! Our Trip Planner, Richard, gives you his top tips for exploring the continent for the very first ...
In Europe, many companies offer cheap flights, but with high baggage fees. Save your euros by traveling with only carry-on luggage. Here are some valuable tips for packing light and having everything you need on your trip: Plan your outfits: Wear multi-functional and versatile clothing to ...
Plan a trip to Europe You’ve seen photos of the European destinations that you want to visit, and now it is time for you toplan your trip. A European travel blog like this one is a good place to start – even if I do say so myself!
Find some general Europe travel tips. Find all information on where to stay, what to eat, How to get to Europe and things to do in Europe
When to travel to Europe– Summer is pretty much always the peak season for Europe travel, no matter where you go. If you like the bustling crowds and busy tourist attractions, plan your trip for June, July, and August. If you’re looking for a more authentic local experience, Europe is...
Travel blog that covers best places to visit across the world. Travel tips & Travel guides that will help you to plan your travel conveniently.