Banda Aceh In the same compound as the Museum Negeri Banda Aceh, the Rumah Aceh is a fine example of traditional Acehnese architecture, built without nails and held… Login Gunongan Banda Aceh All that remains of Aceh’s powerful sultanates today is on view at Gunongan. Built by Sultan ...
Banda Aceh Kota to Kota Langsa09:00 PM09:00 PMRP 220.000,00Select Date Banda Aceh to LhokseumaweFirst BusLast BusFare Banda Aceh Kota to Kota Lhokseumawe09:00 PM09:00 PMRP 170.000,00Select Date Banda Aceh to BireuenFirst BusLast BusFare ...
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Even though I’m a person with Aceh descendant, I have never been to Banda Aceh at all before. I’ve been visiting the town where my parents’ family are staying quite often, but that was as far as I went previously. So this time during school holidays, my family and I decide to v...
Serunya Keliling Banda Aceh dengan Trans Koetaradja “A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation” – Gustavo Petro, Mayor of ... Read More 5 Hal yang Harus Dilakukan Ketika Sampai di Bandara KLIA 2 ...
13. Banda Aceh © Mimi Saputra / Dreamstime Lying at the heart of the Sumatran city, the stunning Grand Mosque is the undoubted highlight of what Banda Aceh has on offer; its lovely minarets and domes look spectacular against the green gardens surrounding it. A laid-back place that appear...
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