IATA是国际航空运输协会的简称,是一个由各国航空公司组成的行业组织。在IATA中,旅行代理商(Travel Agent)是指那些为旅客提供机票预订、行程安排、酒店预订等服务的代理商。要成为IATA认证的旅行代理商,需要满足一定的条件和要求。首先,代理商需要拥有合法的经营资质,并遵守相关法律法规。其次,代理商需要遵守IATA的道德...
Log In Welcome, Travel Agents! Welcome to Alamo's travel agent dedicated web site where you'll find the resources necessary to provide you and your clients with valuable information for leisure or business travel. IATA / CLIA Number not registered with Alamo yet? Register your AgencyPrivacy...
Organisation Number means the Registered Agent’s IATA Number, ARC Number or TIDS Code that is provided to Jetstar, or a unique Organisation Number provided by Jetstar for Registered Agents who do not have an IATA Number, ARC Number or TIDS Code;PCI-DSS means the Payment Card Industry Data ...
It’s called a CLIA Number.A CLIA ID Number identifies you as a seller of cruises to vendors and suppliers and allows you to book cruises and receive commissions. It serves the same purpose as the IATA agency code. Also, every agent in your agency can apply for an individual CLIA EMBARC...
Select Edit to make changes to an existing travel agent consortia code or select New to add a new code.Code. Enter a name for the consortia code.Description. Enter a brief description for the consortia code. Display Seq. Enter a number for the display sequence for the consortia code. This...
Welcome to Atlantis Bahamas's Travel Agent portal. Please have your IATA, ARC, or TIDS number ready to login.
Are you a travel agent? Using your IATA number you can enable exclusive rental car discounts for your customers with Avis Car Rental's travel agent program.
Jetstar adheres to standard BSP reporting periods as per IATA BSP settlement calendar. Registering for BSP New Travel Agents meeting Jetstar’s eligibility criteria can request for BSP as a payment option when completing the Travel Agent registration form. ...
Additionally, the IATA agent number introduces the travel business to other IATA airline members with a single Sales Agency Agreement and provides access to IATA’s BSP. As we touched on earlier, BSP is an invoicing and payment interface between the agent, airlines, and transportation suppliers. ...
Travel Professional Agent Services Registration - To register for Agent Services, please submit the application form here!