The purpose of this article is to reflect upon how a trauma‐informed education is intimately connected with equity and justice. I will briefly describe the impacts of trauma on students, specifically on their sense of safety and belonging, and by extension, their ability to engage and learn. ...
The TIENetwork is here to support schools, districts, organizations, and businesses to learn about and implement the who, what, where, why, and how of trauma-informed practices.
Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, 100 Leicester Street, Parkville, Victoria, 3010, Australia;Springer New YorkContemporary School PsychologyBrunzell, T., Stokes, H., & Waters, L. (2015). Trauma-informed positive education: Using positive psychology to strengthen ...
You know the students I am talking about; those who almost dare you to make education interesting, or worth their time! During my last year of teaching at the high school, I had two students who were in foster care. Getting to know the students and the situation that ended up with ...
Your classroom is not just a space for learning but a haven of safety and understanding. That's the magic of trauma-informed teaching.
Trauma Informed Education A standards-based curriculum and teaching strategy that uses rhythm and movement to engage all learners in your classroom. When kids have a whole-body learning experience that is aligned with grade-level curriculum standards, they:...
We argue that whilst social justice as equity is closely aligned to the aims of trauma-informed principles in education, existing policy commitments perpetuate an idea of social justice as harmony, and this may provide a barrier to implementing these principles in practice. Local efforts to embed ...
& Informed Consent by David Baldwin, PhDI'm one of the people who's done some disaster work (I volunteered with the Red Cross after the Northridge quake, in 1994) and also crisis work before that, so I'll comment on informed consent in these environments....
Trauma-Informed Practices in Higher Education: A Comprehensive Literature Review (2015–2023)Hui Gao, Peng-Fei Chen, Lijuan YaoAbstractThe impact of trauma extends across various aspects of individual development, emotional regulation, and social behaviours, subsequently influencing academic performance, ...
Two Trauma Bibliographies This page contains two bibliographies about trauma, separated into two reading lists, one easy and the other more detailed. However; I have not kept either listing current, so neither includes recent important books and articles. ...