Trauma-Informed Care Training that can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection. We strive hard to make TIC accessible, affordable and advanced.
Trauma-informed Care,直译的话是“创伤知情照顾”,这也是更多在网上看到的翻译名,而这次讲者将它意译成了“疗愈为本照顾”。 疗愈为本照顾(Trauma-informed Care) 疗愈为本照顾致力于一种范式的转变:面对一个出状况的人,从致力于“修正(need to fix)”到关注“发生了什么(need to know)”,再到疗愈为本照顾...
Trauma-Informed Medicine E-Cases : Online Clinical Training Cases for Healthcare ProvidersHoersch, Michelle D
Interactions at the Heart of Healing – CLASS-based Strategies for Supporting Teachers and Children The Impact of Trauma on Behavior: Seeing Children’s Actions As Communication Know, then Grow: How to Become an Anti-Biased, Trauma-Informed Educator ...
Online Classes & Training Trauma-Informed Resources Help clients reach their goals faster andmake lasting change If you’re fed up with the same old strategies, and want fresh ideas for healing trauma, depression, and anxiety, then you’ve come to the right place. ...
The Yoga for Trauma Online Training Program is the first of its kind and offers in-depth training in trauma-informed care, somatic psychotherapy and yoga.
Providing training sessions on budgeting, practice in life skills such as effective communication and assertiveness, and placement opportunities to gain real-world experience can all contribute to student empowerment. Understanding trauma and embracing trauma-informed care principles can have a transformative...
This intense 1-day live online training proceeds through a blend of talks, skill-developing exercises, discussions and deconstruction of real-life case-studies. The training runs from 9.15am–4.00pm (GMT). Understanding the different automatic survival options that we have and how they rel...
Trauma-informed care: What it is, and why it’s important Monique Tello, MD, MPH 更新 哈佛医学院助理教授、布里格姆和妇女健康中心的执业医师Eve Rittenberg博士,在2018年10月10日的《新英格兰医学杂志》上撰文,反思了Kavanaugh听证会和#MeToo运动对经历过性暴力的患者的影响。她的文章和Monique Tello在下面的...
Trauma-informed care (TIC) is still a relatively new concept and not fully understood or implemented in many healthcare settings. Nurses are the healthcare professionals most likely to have the first contact with many patients, and nursing training and p