The word “trauma” literally means wound, shock, or injury. Psychological trauma is a person’s experience of emotional distress resulting from an event that overwhelms the capacity to emotionally digest it. The precipitating event may be a one-time occ
About the Author Annie Wright, LMFT, a licensed psychotherapist and relational trauma recovery specialist, is the founder of a trauma-informed boutique therapy center. Online: Annie Wright, Facebook, Instagram advertisement Trauma Essential Reads When Childhood Trauma Cannot Be Shared Relational ...
You’re not alone. Find the right DARe-trained therapist, coach or bodyworker near you. Find A Provider Resource Center Check out helpful videos, articles, podcasts and other attachment & trauma-informed resources. Explore Resources For Therapists ...
"Is it selfish of me to not further investigate my own past and potentially corroborate her memories?" On that point, Brad was also pretty emphatic. No, it is not selfish of you. In his words, that's a decision for you and you alone. In his view, that should be informed by what ...
I work with clients from a trauma-informed lens, giving them a safe space to connect between past trauma and behaviors they are currently experiencing. I use an eclectic mix of modalities dependinShow More My Services Individual Counseling Adolescent Counseling Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Psychedelic...
I am a certified Brainspotting therapist and use an integrative and nervous system-informed approach to help you move forward and feel more connected and regulated. We work together to find the source of your struggles for deeper change.
the person, everything from chronic abuse, neglect and domestic violence to bullying and homelessness can cause trauma and, with it, detectable changes in the brain, said Samantha Koury, a project manager and trainer with the University of Buffalo’sInstitute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care....
Universal precautions: The case for consistently trauma-informed reproductive healthcare. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2022, 226, 671–677. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Sullivan, T.P.; Weiss, N.H.; Price, C.; Pugh, N.; Hansen, N.B. Strategies for coping with individual PTSD symptoms: ...
refugee; women; reproductive health; sexual violence; trauma-informed care; service-providers1. Introduction Gender-based violence shapes women’s experiences of forced migration [1], amplifying the critical need to address the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care of refugee women in resettlement...
or legal representation). In-depth interviews allowed for multiple accounts from volunteers, paralegals and attorneys to create a broader picture of social processes (Weiss1995). In compliance with my institution’s Institutional Review Board, participants were provided with an informed consent statement...