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The descriptive statistics and correlations of the study variables are shown in Table 1. As shown, the asymmetry and kurtosis values were in between − 2 and + 2 in all cases so normality was assumed for all the study variables. In relation to the correlations, childhood trauma and ...
Incidence, Morbidity and Mortality of Bicycle-Related Injuries Prevalence of Bicycle Injuries Injury patterns are influenced by numerous factors, with no single variable accounting independently for annual variations Additionally, disparate trends and statistics are often cited in the literature. Multiple anal...
East Jerusalem: Facts and figures 2019 Association for Civil Rights in Israel East Jerusalem - Portrait of updates May 2023 F. Bacro et al. Children’s multiple attachment relationships and representations in different family contexts G.R. Bauer et al. Intersectionality in quantitative research: A ...
Although stress and adversity are largely universal experiences, people exposed to greater hardship are at increased risk for negative health consequences. Recent studies identify accelerated biological aging as a mechanism that could explain how trauma
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Recent statistics show the cost of the care of patients with C1-4 tetraplegia at approximately $1,048,259 in the first year and approximately $182,033 for each subsequent year.[1]Estimated lifetime costs for high tetraplegia are $4,651,158 for 25-year-old individuals and $2,556,197 fo...
“I had done a lot of healing on my journey. And the work Stacey had done, with her own counseling and the neurofeedback, helped her to be more open to my coming home, to our being on the same team. Now she doesn’t assume the worst. Together we can process the facts and if ...
Retrieved on February 1, 2014 from NCTSN: http://www.nctsnet.org/resources/topics/facts-and-figures Panksepp, J. (1998). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, psychostimulants, and intolerance of childhood playfulness: a tragedy in the making? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 7,...
Trauma as a concept, a signifier and a frame has become increasingly visible in archival theory and praxis in recent years. A shift that is perhaps unsurprising given that society at large appears to have embraced trauma as a major interpretative category for our age. The recent spotlight on ...