The current era is seeing an unprecedented rise in the incidence of type 2 diabetes, related to increasing adiposity levels. In addition, the complex nature of the disease with a much younger patient group than before makes prescribing a challenging task for physicians today. The advent of ...
En los pacientes con nefrolitiasis por ácido úrico y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 o síndrome metabólico, la intervención farmacológica debe combinarse con actividad física, pérdida de peso y control de la glucosa31. Cálculos de estruvita Fisiopatología Los cálculos de estruvita o de origen...
Type 1 diabetes results from the autoimmune destruction of β cells in the pancreas. Several studies have discussed the ability of adult stem cells to differentiate and function effectively. The aim of this study was to attain fasting glycemia of < 100 mg/dl, or any glycemic value of < 200...
Nuevos aspectos en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Arch Venez Farm y Terap. 2001; 20(1): 6-26.Contreras F, Jimenez S, Garcia M. et al. Nuevos Aspectos en el Tra- tamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. AVFT. 2001; 20(1):6-26....
type 2 diabetes mellitus is a common, chronic and progressive metabolic disorder, which accounts for 90% of diabetes cases worldwide. approximately 60% of individuals with the disease do not achieve target glycosylated hemoglobin levels, despite the avai
La gastroparesia o vaciamiento lento del estòmago (una condición que se ve generalmente en personas con diabetes) Las náuseas y el vómito también pueden resultar por: Los mareos por movimiento (de carro, avión, barco, etc.) Las primeras etapas del embarazo (las náuseas ocurren entre...
Nutricion HospitalariaNavarrete A,S, Leyba Jl, Navarrete LLS, Garcia Caballero M, Sanchez N, Pulgar V, Vivas A. Bypass gastrico en Y de Roux para el tratamiento de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo II con IMC entre 30 y 35 kg/m2. Nutr Hosp 2012; 27: 1144-1149....
Objective: To analyze the relationship between health literacy and medication adherence of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study developed in five Family Health Strategies in the city of Picos, Piau铆. Participants comprised 78 users of health services. The...
Diabetes e insuficiencia cardiaca. son los inhibidores del cotransportador de sodio-glucosa tipo dos el futuro del tratamiento?doi:10.19230/jonnpr.4443Introduction. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease whose incidence and prevalence are increase. It produces multiple complications such as ...
Results: Pharmacist advice is often requested on the use of these agents for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2); however, this is an area that has insufficient evidence to support confident recommendations. Many published studies invol...