NavarroUniversidadPedroUniversidadColmenaresUniversidadLuisUniversidadA.UniversidadRosalesUniversidadRoizarUniversidadPostalianUniversidadAlexanderUniversidadCoraspeUniversidadInforme MedicoNavarro P, Colmenares LA, Rosales R, Postalian A, Coraspe V, Silva S. Tratamiento de la leishmaniasis tegumentaria americana con ...
such is the case with such diseases as chagas, malaria, dengue, yellow fever, rabies, and leishmaniasis. various demographic, social, and economic factors, as well as population mobility have allowed microorganisms to generate adaptations to changing environments and thus make diagnosis and treatment...
in presence of a feverish syndrome of uncertain origin in a patient in immunosuppressor treatment, although it is to low dose, it is necessary to carry out a exhaustive differential diagnosis, should consider, among them, the infection for leishmania, a parasitosis whose incidence is increasing ...
The spectrum of agents causing opportunistic infections in patients with RA is very broad; however, there are relatively few cases of Leishmania infection, especially in patients not being treated with biological drugs. Copyright 2017 Elsevier Espaa, S.L.U. and Sociedad Espaola de Reumatología y ...
With regard to the clinical onset of AIDS, there has been a significant reduction inthe frecuency of visceral leishmaniasis as the first AIDS-defining disorder after the introductionof highly active antiretroviral theraphy. Tuberculosis continues to be the more frequent clinicaldebut condition of AIDS...
Las pruebas solicitadas descartan enfermedad de Crohn, leishmaniasis mucocutánea, virus del herpes simple y afectación por micobacterias, pero se detectó infección por VIH con prueba de ELISA + y Western Blot+ con un CD4 nadir: 424/24%, clasificándose como infección por VIH estadio 2....
Miltefosina oral para el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis. Biomedica. 2006; 26: 207-17.Soto J, Soto P. Miltefosina oral para el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis. Biomedica 2006; 26(suppl.1):207-217.SOTO, J.; SOTO, P. Miltefosina oral para el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis. Biomedica...
Pita JC, Teitelman ML, Gallardo JLB, Ocampo WC, Mestanza KMP, Tirado EQ. Tratamiento de leish- maniasis cuta´nea andina con ketoconazol en dos zonas de alta incidencia del Departamento de Ama- zonas: Reporte de Casos. Rev. Me´d. Hered. 2002; 13(4): 144-147...
Dilema ético y epidemiológico sobre el tratamiento de perros para la leishmaniasis visceral en América LatinaIn the Americas there are between 4,500 and 6,800 annual cases of severe visceral leishmaniasis, and mortality is estimated to range between 7 and 10%. However, underreporting and ...
Introduction: The efficacy of topical treatments could be affected by the diversity of clinical forms (localized or disseminated cutaneous forms, mucosal forms) of New World-leishmaniasis caused by species of Leishmania from the subgenus Viannia. The aim of this study was to determine the cutaneous...